Opeth songs you hate

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Mikael Åkerfeldt;7385720 said:
My chicken pox is fucking horrendous! I have it all over my body pretty much and it's itching to the point where I'm about to go insane.
Haven't slept for 2 nights basically....

Fucking FUCK!


You know... The Ruth Eckerd Hall, you know, the location in Tampa that was part of the Progressive Nation Tour, I hear they have a cure for every disease that exists. You should head down THERE during your tour, instead of ALL OF THE WAY down (or up, I don't know) in Orlando.

Always thinkin' about you ;)
Hate? What the fuck, pals, hatred is too strong feeling to get it with a song. I mean, I can't hate something that doesn't hurt me. If I don't like some song (Opeth has ones, of course) I just don't listen to it. "Karma", for example, or "Black Rose Immortal". I can't see any reason to hate a song. I think it's better to talk about Opeth songs you love. There's much more lovely ones, don't you think?

Anyway, can't understand all these negative crap. Stop this, it's so pointless.

And, yeah, Mike, I HATE YOU 'cause you don't play "The Moor" on every show! Umgonna killya someday!!!
Hey Nathan, Devin Townsend told you to control your anger on the internet? Hahahahaha, that's awesome. It's like when I saw 'em in San Francisco, and at one point I yelled 'Fuck yeah!' really loud, and he looked at me and mimicked me, then went, 'Come on, everyone say "Fuck yeah!"'. Not sure if I felt more like a douche or the king of win.
I honestly think that's a little bit of both. On one hand, Devin embarrassed you in front of everyone, but on the other hand, he found you interesting enough to warrant his attention. Were you seeing Strapping or The Devin Townsend Band?

But yeah, Devin did tell me to control my anger. I was really pissed, and I made a post about it over on the Hevy Devy Forums. It caught his eye and he told me to chill out. And when a man that preforms songs called "Shitstorm" and "Oh My Fucking God" for a living tells you to relax, YOU SHOULD FUCKING LISTEN.
Mikael Åkerfeldt;7385720 said:
My chicken pox is fucking horrendous! I have it all over my body pretty much and it's itching to the point where I'm about to go insane.
Haven't slept for 2 nights basically....

Fucking FUCK!


Whatever you do you got to resist the urge to scratch!
Get well soon!
It's kind of interesting seeing who dislikes what, and why.

It's more like reading what people dislikes but I don't see a lot of the "why" part. Anyway, as it's been mentionned already, it's all a matter of taste, even if you have 1000 arguments to "hate" a song, if I like it, well, I'll still like it after hearing what you had to say.

It's like food, wine, beer or asparagus, if you like/dislike it, doesn't mean that I have to.
Mikael Åkerfeldt;7385720 said:
No, I don't get that upset, I just feel your words could have been chosen with better care. To not make it sound like you just want to piss us off. I like complaints, you're all wrong, but I like reading them, haha!

My chicken pox is fucking horrendous! I have it all over my body pretty much and it's itching to the point where I'm about to go insane.
Haven't slept for 2 nights basically....

Fucking FUCK!


I heard somewhere that you could end up sterile of you get chickenpox or something. Be careful Mike! :p
I dont hate any of their songs but I do find Orchid and Morningrise a bit boring by comparisson.
Vivören;7383807 said:
Yeah, because it's shit.
I had Hours of Wealth on repeat for a good hour yesterday and then I moved on to Isolation Years for another hour. Yeah, they suck so bad.
^but non of these has that special opeth death/prog charm
your favorite opeth song must be real OPETH!!!
like bleak
or moor
or leper
or drape
or when
or april
or lament
Mikael Åkerfeldt;7384228 said:
Yes, I have chicken pox and let me tell you it sucks! I look retarded (more than usual)!

Some guys here are tough and secret master songwriters I see, how interesting. You have the knowledge to pick out the good parts and the "gay" parts. Thanks for letting me know.

I respect individual opinions, but have some courtesy please and don't try and upset us with blatant insults. With that said, I don't mean you can't complain, I mean if you couldn't complain here this forum would be completely useless. So, by all means, complain, but do it with style...or you're fucked!

I leave it in the hands of Samsara...


Hope you get well soon, and I would like you to know that the new album is a masterpiece. While I do not listen to the entire Opeth catalog all the time, your music has made an impact on me to the point that I occasionally get goose bumps when I hear a certain lick, vocal line or drum fill. No other band besides TOOL has ever had that effect on me.

Can't wait to see you guys back in Detroit

I honestly think that's a little bit of both. On one hand, Devin embarrassed you in front of everyone, but on the other hand, he found you interesting enough to warrant his attention. Were you seeing Strapping or The Devin Townsend Band?

But yeah, Devin did tell me to control my anger. I was really pissed, and I made a post about it over on the Hevy Devy Forums. It caught his eye and he told me to chill out. And when a man that preforms songs called "Shitstorm" and "Oh My Fucking God" for a living tells you to relax, YOU SHOULD FUCKING LISTEN.

It was at Strapping Young Lad, touring for 'Alien'. Very, very small show. Good point you make, but then again, he is bipolar, so maybe he was on the 'mellow' side of the spectrum the day he told you that.

Anyway, I wasn't really embarassed. In fact, I thought everyone else was pretty lame for not going totally fucking insane at an SYL show.
wrong band mate

You mean I shouldn't listen to Opeth if I think sometimes their songs drag on too much? Haha... Oh well. Actually, I listen A LOT of all kinds of progressive music and they often have long songs as you know. It's just that bands like Opeth isn't always easy to get into if I'm not in the mood for listening to that.
^but non of these has that special opeth death/prog charm
your favorite opeth song must be real OPETH!!!
like bleak
or moor
or leper
or drape
or when
or april
or lament
My sarcasm detector must be broken. With so many new morons to this forum I can't tell who is kidding and who is just a genuine dumbass.
Ok, yes, not a great thread - but I am oddly compelled to post my thoughts.

Disclaimer - not particularly songs I hate, but songs which I don't feel do justice to Mikael's creativity as exemplified in Opeth's many masterpieces.

Porcelain Heart - The opening riff is my favourite riff of the album. Acoustic part is equally brilliant. Problem? as everyone else has pointed out - really didn't need to hear them so many times without variation. The ah ah ahhh theme does nothing for me. I'm actually very surprised that this song ended up in the form it did.

Beneath the Mire - The opening drum pattern/fill is amazing. The guitar part that comes after it is neat. Problem - The keyboard melody that plays over the top of these makes me very uncomfortable indeed. The song could possibly have done without it. I see it as a major anomaly in an album that elsewhere maintains a satsifying dark and foreboding mood. Unfortunately I don't think the song ever recovers from the introduction.

Burden - I know I'll cop some flak for this but Burden makes me shake my head. My dislike of it is heavily subjective and there is nothing to criticise on a songwriting level. Problem - the vocals are very confident neat and clean, but that's not the kind I like from Mikael. I much prefer the reserved, understated, ethereal quality as captured on a lot of earlier material. Mikael may have vastly improved his clean vocals on a technical level, but I think that, in the context of the music he writes, the earlier clean vocals were a better fit. Another problem I have with burden, which can also be found in Coil, is the employment of tierce de picardie (see 'fields of sorrow' in coil, and 'carried a burden inside' in Burden). Employing the technique at the end of a phrase so early into a song just destroys the mood of the song for me.

These are just a few gripes, but I spend 99% of the time praising Opeth to friends and so it is nice to get them off my chest in a public forum.
I like every song. But the ones I don't like THAT much (but I still like them) are:
A Fair Judgement
Dirge For November
Hex Omega
The Grand Conjuration (except for the ending, which is excellent)
I've only been listening to Opeth since I heard The Grand Conjuration edited version somehow, so I'm sure my opinion amounts to a pile of shit to you guys, but I simply cannot believe any of the songs listed here are...well, on here--and that's why I had to post (my first time, even though I've been reading this for about a year). I actually disagree with Mikael about "By the Pain I See in Others" (how he has said that it's his least favorite song at one time) --that keyboard waltz part at the end is such a great moment! But most of all... "The Lotus Eater"... seriously come on... When they released the MP3, I remember the ecstasy I felt at the blast beat/clean vocal part and the heaviness of the song. Pretty much listening to that turned my mouth into an ever-widening smile, especially when the "circus" breakdown came in. Maybe I'm in the minority and like when music makes me smile with it's surprises and intricacies, and shouldn't be smiling when it comes to "death metal" at all, but I am quite fond of music.
By the way, why the fuck do people call that part in "Lotus Eater" the "circus" section? It sounds pretty fusion/funk or something to me that is clearly not circus-y.
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