Opeth songs you hate

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Mikael Åkerfeldt;7385720 said:
My chicken pox is fucking horrendous! I have it all over my body pretty much and it's itching to the point where I'm about to go insane.
Haven't slept for 2 nights basically....

Eternal Skin Torture?

Ok, well, if this thread is all about Opeth songs we hate, then I've got to admit that there aren't many!

I will say that By the Pain I See in Others sounds like it was pieced together, and without any sort of real ending.

It's like I'm fucking the shit out of some hot girl, and just as we're both about to climax in a frenzy of orgasmic release, we both realize that something is very very awkward, and just... stop. The rest of the night is spent sitting awake in bed staring at the wall, unsure of what just happened.

The Grand Conjuration is also a bit, well, boring. I like the production on the song (except for that damn snare drum, but that's GR in general), but that main riff just isn't quite worth the 16,000 repetitions at the end.

But I like all the black sheep Opeth songs. Some even more than the typically well received ones! Isolation Years, Atonement, Weakness, Porcelain Heart, Hessian Peel...

OH, and I've got to say this! (been waiting for a long time to get this off me chest!)

I've ALWAYS felt that Opeth made a big boo-boo by not noticing that in CLOSURE, the ending would have been a perfect place to hint at the DELIVERANCE outro! The first time I heard Closure, I thought they were gonna do that, as a slight nod to its sister album! Man, that would have made so much sense--if I was working in the studio that day, I would have said something!

And they need more bass clarinet.
Coil and Porcelain Heart aren't my favorites by far...

Also, Ghost of Perdition doesn't sound good to me anymore.
I don't hate any Opeth songs, but my least favorite is probably The Funeral Portrait. It's good, but I can't get into it.

Good luck with your Chicken Pox, Mike.
Mikael Åkerfeldt;7383481 said:
"Hessian peel" poorly written? FUCK OFF!!!

"By the pain..." is poorly written if anything, I admit that, but "Hessian peel"? Come the fuck on!!!

Fun thread overall, haha! Nice title! "Songs you HATE"...gee, kids are different these days, or maybe not?

Cheers guys!

Hey, I'm sorry man, but the way that it goes from that INCREDIBLE (yes, incredible) first heavy riff and then dwindles into nothingness so quickly doesn't wash with me.

And for the record, I love By The Pain In Others ;)

Get well soon, by the way!

The only other song I could say I hate is Closure simply because of how it seems to be begging to explode into heaviness but is restricted by the rules of Damnation. I mean it's still a great song but it just seems like it could have been so much better.
Ümlaut;7387024 said:
Ghost of Perdition doesn't sound good to me anymore.

:OMG: I find it hard to believe anyone that appreciates good music could ever tire of ghost of perdition. I mean, it doesn't have the same effect on me now as the first 50 listens, but it's still probably the single greatest achievement in Opeth's catalogue.
Ghost of Perdition is up there with the best of the new Opeth. It's a big metal meatball wrapped up nice and tight. Probably one of the best openers they've cooked up. But not my favorite.

I love the new direction, by the way. Leaves so much potential to bite the Roadrunning hand that feeds them. Opeth mindfucks? Now that's prog!
But I love Hessian Peel along with all the other songs on Watershed because they all sound like there was so much thought put into them.

I think quite the opposite for quite a lot of it, especially when it comes to the way the songs end. They just sort of...stop, without a real ending. I mean The Lotus Eater is a fine example, it reaches a great ending point but then it just stops without an actual defined ending, when it would have been very easy to just put something in to alert the listener to the fact it was ending.
:OMG: I find it hard to believe anyone that appreciates good music could ever tire of ghost of perdition. I mean, it doesn't have the same effect on me now as the first 50 listens, but it's still probably the single greatest achievement in Opeth's catalogue.

It's a good song, but I certainly wouldn't say greatest achievement...
They just sort of...stop, without a real ending. I mean The Lotus Eater is a fine example, it reaches a great ending point but then it just stops without an actual defined ending, when it would have been very easy to just put something in to alert the listener to the fact it was ending.

What the hell do you want? A nice, old fashioned V-I cadence?

To each his own I suppose, but the kind of ending you're talking about clearly has no place on any of the Watershed songs, except Hex Omega which comes closest, and definitely gives the ALBUM a strong sense of closure. Without those super obvious "hey I'm about to end!" parts in the songs, the album flows much better from song to song IMO. It's meant to be listened to as a whole. Plus, you've got to keep in mind the underlying lyrical concepts and ask yourself what fits: pleasant resolution or ambiguity.
What the hell do you want? A nice, old fashioned V-I cadence?

To each his own I suppose, but the kind of ending you're talking about clearly has no place on any of the Watershed songs, except Hex Omega which comes closest, and definitely gives the ALBUM a strong sense of closure. Without those super obvious "hey I'm about to end!" parts in the songs, the album flows much better from song to song IMO. It's meant to be listened to as a whole. Plus, you've got to keep in mind the underlying lyrical concepts and ask yourself what fits: pleasant resolution or ambiguity.

Maybe it does make it flow better from song to song, but ALL Opeth albums flow well from song to song but they all still have clear endings. There's nothing better than a song like Ghost Of Perdition which just leaves you with such a great impression, whereas with most of the songs on Watershed you have to check to make sure the song's over.
Maybe it does make it flow better from song to song, but ALL Opeth albums flow well from song to song but they all still have clear endings. There's nothing better than a song like Ghost Of Perdition which just leaves you with such a great impression, whereas with most of the songs on Watershed you have to check to make sure the song's over.

Different tastes I guess. I assume you're referring to the back catalog? What about Serenity Painted Death, or Closure, or to a lesser extent The Moor? These songs all end pretty abruptly, without any warning signs... I don't think any Watershed song ends more abruptly than any of these.
Different tastes I guess. I assume you're referring to the back catalog? What about Serenity Painted Death, or Closure, or to a lesser extent The Moor? These songs all end pretty abruptly, without any warning signs... I don't think any Watershed song ends more abruptly that any of these.

Yeah I know that, but with Watershed it applies to (almost) the whole album. I mean, even Burden. I mean I actually like the whole detuning thing and it's a decent ending but I really felt like it could have used a big climax, rather than sort of dwindling on the tradeoff soloing and then ending.
Yeah I know that, but with Watershed it applies to (almost) the whole album. I mean, even Burden. I mean I actually like the whole detuning thing and it's a decent ending but I really felt like it could have used a big climax, rather than sort of dwindling on the tradeoff soloing and then ending.

To me, the abrupt endings actually make Watershed because, to me, all the songs have a relative topic, and the abrupt endings sort of end that sub-topic, and go on to the next one. Like Coil to Heir Apparent, it starts to build up, then it just happens (kind of like most things in life, am I right?). I don't think the abrupt endings are preferable to a lot of listeners, but to me, it's needed, just as in life, bitter is needed to taste the sweet (cliche, yes, but true).
I think Burden's ending is supposed to left your drift for a bit, before distorting your thoughts with the out of place guitar.
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