people, your myspace stories... :D

Brooks said:
Sorry for making you lose sleep over that one, Karen ;)

That "top 8" drama is so retarded... I'm glad my friends who happen to be on it don't give me shit about it... well, maybe one of them was a little bit feeling left out and had to be added, but other than that.... I agree with brooks that I hate people who talk to you about MySpace in real life :lol:

But really Brooks, you removed me from your top 8???????????
:yell: :yell: I THOUGHT WE ARE FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
directed at me:
Dead_Lioness said:
Because if you do, then I was agreeing with ms.A since her profile is not personal!!! It is all about her music, and quite frankly, when creating a profile that is NOT personal age is irrelivant.
I didn't actually have Ms.A in mind, as I don't have anything against her. and she knows it. the question about myspace accounts and my other remarks were general. and no, this is not an apology, cuz I don't apologize where I don't think it's necessary.

I'm sorry I can't offer a better, bitchy explanation as:
1) I can't speak English that well in order to be able to say everything that I can nicely express in Croatian
2) I have some serious problems in life and have no strength but for THIS random bullshitty threads/comments that makes me laugh from time to time.
Brooks said:
The lamest thing ever is when people get upset in real life at what you do to your myspace.

Which is why I removed all people from my so-called "Top 8," and set it just as bands I know/like.

Sorry for making you lose sleep over that one, Karen ;)
I did the same. First I had my friends bitching at me for not being in it. Then I switched to doing weekly themes, like Chicago bands and guitarists and blah blah, and I got bitched at by them too. So I came up with a code that just erased the top 8 from my profile.
Oh and
Shpongled said:
I have a full time job, play in a band full time and do a radio show on the weekends. I go to concerts frequently and lead a very active social life. I also use my Myspace page every day.

I don't believe that having a Myspace page and checking it every day means someone has no life.

That said, I'm pretty much 100% honest with mine, although I have a unique sense of humor and lot of people don't get it half the time. Oh well :)

I won't add you if I don't know you, though.

Holy shit, you do Metal Shop? That's pretty badass. I don't listen to the radio but I listen to Metal Shop. Keep up the good work man.

Yea, I have a Myspace profile, too.

Myspace can be awkward. I've had a few friends that I haven't spoken to in several years who found me on Myspace. It's great for networking and also a great tool for getting back in touch with old friends.

Oh, and I too, have a life. I have a full-time job and my band. I'm also going to go back to school soon, hopefully.
oh man metal shop?! sweet! i goto that myspace group. always see a good amount of posts and stuff flowing through. the radio show part of it is a no go since i live not near you. but radio is cool stuff. if you ever (more like never) need some underground acts just msg me.
i do stuff for metal faction radio (online only) (link in sig) so many great (other) online metal stations out there too :)

my myspace is not sure if i posted it before, not like i'll add most of ya anyway lol.
FretsAflame said:
myspace is useful for telling me where I can find desperate underage girls.

Also they have these quizzes where if you don't take them then your cock will fall off or something else horrid will happen to you.

And last but not least, you can pimp out your page with like... glittering faeries, and songs you didn't write for no reason, and videos and pictures... and chrome it out and trick it up with monitors and shit... who doesn't like that?
yeah. my computer goes into a diabetic coma whenever i click on one of my little sister's friends pages.
Dead_Lioness said:
Oh I know.... totally..!

I just made fun of those guys who post a picture of themselves
looking like their 60, and age: 99
and then their entire profile is full of stripper -type chicks...haha

I am always baffled by stuff like that. The stripper chick profiles and why guys have like 534,342,123,232 of them on their page. Sometimes I wonder whether they think that the girls are "real" and not just someone else doing their profile for them and that they added them because they genuinly find them interesting as a person, or whether they just have them there to look "cool". I don't know.

I am not bashing anyone who might do this by the way :) I just think it's silly.
everyone on my friends list is either actually a friend, a common acquaintance, or someone/ some group that i support.
umm... I just kinda seriously started forming my profile and stuff.... st. peter knows what will become of that in the end.
dreaming neon darkspot said:
yeah. my computer goes into a diabetic coma whenever i click on one of my little sister's friends pages.


It's like, heeeey, I just wanted to enjoy my afternoon, but all the glitzy shit on your retarded page is making my computer fuck itself in the ass with it's own hard drive. :( So annoying.

Hand Across The Ocean

Every time I think of you it's like the last beat of my heart
The memory of leaving you is tearing me apart
No waves, no tears, no backward glance
But I'll always hold you dear
Never regret but I'll never forget
'Cos there's not enough heaven here
Hands across the ocean, reaching out for you
Across the waves, across the water
Hands, across the ocean
And every time I'm missing you I just can't let it show
And every time I want to cry, I just can't let it go
Wine and song and masquerade and refuge holds me dear
Ribbons and lace and daisy chains
But there's not enough heaven here
Hands across the ocean, reaching out for you
Across the waves, across the water, reaching out for you
Hands across the ocean, reaching out for you
Across the waves, across the water
Hands, across the ocean
Bangles, beads and lipstick games
And comfort holds me dear
Velvet and lace and perfumed sheets
But there's not enough heaven
Not enough heaven here
Hands across the ocean, reaching out for you
Across the waves, across the water, reaching out for you
Hands across the ocean, reaching out for you
Across the waves, across the water
Hands, across the ocean
Hands across the ocean, reaching out for you
Across the waves, across the water
Hands, across the ocean

(normally: :notworthy )