Popularity of the Forum

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Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
One thing that really strikes me as odd is that in recent times the popularity of this place has plummeted, whilst simultaneously Opeth's worldwide renown rocketed.

Did people just get tired of talking about Opeth? Do you think with the release of a new album there'll be some more discussion?
I'm not sure about the others but I just reached a point where if I didn't really care about something then I couldn't be bothered saying anything. I think after the new albums release there'll be an influx of new guys as there was after GR was released. Not a bad thing to get some new paint on the walls I guess. Hopefully there's a couple of new m_w's to entertain us all.
Yeah, Opeth was the first band that made me appreciate death metal even though everybody tells me they're not death metal. They're the most professional and interesting band I know, but I wish they would let go of the keyboards and get back to the creativity they had in Morningrise.
A lot of it may have to do with the terrible posts, another part may be that pretty much everything has been covered.

We've had the share of fan-boy posts, the (more than fair) share of favorite album/song polls, questions about Opeth's history, shows reviews, etc. I mean, how many more times can people talk about how amazing this solo is, or how Mikael's death growls seem to be lacking on this or that album?

Nonetheless, I do believe (in agreement with the other posts) that the next album will see an increase in interest and discussion. This is really going to be a big step. While many fans were in fear for Ghost Reveries (being that it was on Roadrunner...and oh god, that obviously could only mean doom), the next release will see:
a. two new members
b. most likely the making or breaking of Per's addition to the band and
c. a good idea of where and for how long Mikael wants this project to go.

It could just as easily be the last album as it could be the third to last album, and I think that is what a lot of future posts will revolve around...well that juxtaposed with the common song discussion, and all else that comes with every release this band has put out.

So all of that being said, I still am absolutely in love with the band and can't wait to see what's next.
Ugh, I really wish I would have joined this forum when I started lurking around it in May 2005. I didn't realize I'd be associated with the "Ghost Reveries" crowd, considering I joined the forum mainly because Deliverance really got me interested in the band.

To relate this to the thread, I've definitely noticed that since I've been here the quality has just degraded over the past two years, probably due to the fact that all the questions that people ask have been answered in one way or another, and the older forumers get tired of answering seriously anymore. When a new album comes out, the forum will probably start getting better again. Who knows? \(o_O)/

edit: posted before I noticed the last post, which pretty much sums up everything I said in the second paragraph.
@winters_epilogue: I'd pretty much agree with everything there. I have this ominous feeling that Opeth are nearing the end of their stretch. I mean the only original member left in the band is Mike (from the Orchid/Morningrise era). I always had this feeling that the friendship between Mike and Peter kept the band rolling on, just like the two Martins kept each other rollin on. Those relationships are now gone. So whether the next album is the last, second last, or third last, I really hope it's going to be one of wearing the Opeth crown.

By the way though, the reason I'd left for a long time was the immature posts. Actually I don't even know why I'm back. Holidays and a bit of spare time in between mixing work I guess.
I dont have very many posts. However since the time i found out about Opeth i lurked big time on this forum. It was awesome to be around for the classic threads like Mikes growl blows up birds, whos jack frober, and other silly but fun inside jokes us Opeth fans had.

With Ghost Reveries new fans got into the band. So new fans joined the forum. Its almost like having a brother and sister, then your parents devorce so your mom remarrys with a guy that has 2 other kids. Its still family, but the family isnt as strong as it was before. The new kids dont have the bond that you had.

Between Damnation and Ghost Reveries we had ALOT to talk about aswell. Which lable would they sign with, Ayreon, Lamentations.

After Ghost Reveries Leaked the forum i think in some ways died. There was an almost nazi-like approach to mod the forum. People were banned, moonlapse lost his moderation (then got it back!), and Opethforum.com was born.

With Opethforum.com (then .net/Erksylvania) some of the best ,amuseing, and loyal posters of the forum seperated their self from this forum. It was seen for awhile that Opethforum.com was where the TRUE opeth fans were. And that the new breed of (idiot fans as mike called them) where here on UM.

I personally perfer posting at Erksylvania its a very active,fun, not-caring atmosphere of music lovers. Over here it feels like going to the dentist.

Similar to seperating your army. The Army just is not as strong anymore.

To bring it to a close. The strong personalitys this forum had are all but lost. NFU and the regs at Erksylvania rarly post here (or they are banned haha). Basicly the forum will pick up soon im sure. With dvd info, album info looming around the (Amon) corner the forum will be brought into another era. Then in time we'll get another post like this.
I personally perfer posting at Erksylvania its a very active,fun, not-caring atmosphere of music lovers. Over here it feels like going to the dentist.
I would have to agree there.
To bring it to a close. The strong personalitys this forum had are all but lost. NFU and the regs at Erksylvania rarly post here (or they are banned haha). Basicly the forum will pick up soon im sure. With dvd info, album info looming around the (Amon) corner the forum will be brought into another era. Then in time we'll get another post like this.
All interesting and worthwhile personalities are actively banned on this forum in favor of idiots and trolls, and you wonder why the forum is utter shit?
One thing that really strikes me as odd is that in recent times the popularity of this place has plummeted, whilst simultaneously Opeth's worldwide renown rocketed.

Did people just get tired of talking about Opeth? Do you think with the release of a new album there'll be some more discussion?

I think it has more to do with the board than the band. Most band forums will have at least two sections, one for band-related talk and one for general mayhem, socializing, trash-talking, etc... Just the fact there's only one board here implies that only Opeth-related posts are welcome, and that topic has been fairly well covered.

So, the secret to a more active forum is a handful of sub-forums. Not too many, of course, but at least one place where the "immature trolls" can make noise and yell at each other, while those who would prefer to ignore such silliness can do so.

Please note that I'd include myself in the "immature troll" category, at least every other day... depends on how much coffee I've had...
I think it has more to do with the board than the band. Most band forums will have at least two sections, one for band-related talk and one for general mayhem, socializing, trash-talking, etc... Just the fact there's only one board here implies that only Opeth-related posts are welcome, and that topic has been fairly well covered.

So, the secret to a more active forum is a handful of sub-forums. Not too many, of course, but at least one place where the "immature trolls" can make noise and yell at each other, while those who would prefer to ignore such silliness can do so.

Please note that I'd include myself in the "immature troll" category, at least every other day... depends on how much coffee I've had...

eh... http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/non-opeth-music-chat-403/
Not to mention there also used to be a general off-topic forum here, but it did so poorly with constant annoying trolls and crap that really didn't belong, or something along those lines. I personally didn't get to see it, but obviously I've heard about it when I was one of the people who wanted to bring it back (hoping people would be less idiotic). Eh. :erk:
there hasn't been a good thread on this forum for months, and you can only talk about opeth, or music in general for a short period of time before it gets boring as hell.
^ Pretty much, there's not really much to discuss right now. It's not like there's news every day about the band.

Although Im sort of glad off-topic stuff isn't allowed, the board would turn into a mess of retarded posts and threads where it's considered taboo to discuss the actual band, sort of like the Nevermore board.
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