power metal?

Authentic Metalhead said:
I've always heard them classified as progressive metal. Either way, it's accurate.

Also, can some please explain to me in a level-headed fashion why they don't like power metal? And none of this "cuz its gay you faggot" bullshit.

Just listen to it, and you will realise it's gay. fag.
A lot of progressive metal bands sound like power metal bands. What is really the key difference to telling the difference. Symphony X for example.
A1a23 said:
Is Symphony X considered to be power metal?

they classify themselves as "symphonic progressive metal". And they dont suck if people could break themselves out of their little box they live in, they would realise it.
Authentic Metalhead said:
Power metal bands don't put as high of an emphasis on technicality and don't do the whole "change time signature at various times" things. It's more straightforward.

plus most of them dont have near the talent and skill prog bands do.
Power Metal does have pretty simple rythmn(probably the most simple in metal out of any genre). When it comes to solos on the other hand the solos are as progressive as prog metal bands. Symphony X might have more off timed weird rythmn but a traditional power metal band does compare on a lead level. Jag Panzer for example has very simple rythmn. The lead guitar playing is really progressive metal style though.
Authentic Metalhead said:
They're the reason metalheads are looked down upon. They think that metal is the only type of music that's worth anything and piss upon other people's taste in music. Though they complain about being misunderstood, they don't realize that they're perpetuating the stereotype.

ender7227 said:
I love that about power, the fact that you can have a very grounded rhythm and a soaring lead at the same time, sort of like the best of both worlds.

Indeed. And with the operatic vocals, there's more variety on top of that. Overall, there's a lot more music progression in power metal than death metal. Probably why I prefer it.

Metal is full of hypocrisy. I call myself "Authentic Metalhead" because I am actually self-aware and appreciate metal for what it is, not comparing it to other types of metal/music in general.
Authentic Metalhead said:
Overall, there's a lot more music progression in power metal than death metal. Probably why I prefer it.

It depends on the death metal bands and what you have heard.