power metal?

To those of you who are saying power metal is 'gay' or whatever:

korn is te bes hevyis meetel ben evar!!!!!!111111111 numatal pwnzorz deth!!!!!!!1111111

... I thik I'll go scrub these fingers about 32 times or so...
I don't care if someone thinks that a certain genre sucks, I just hate it when they call it gay, and say that whoever listens to it is a "fag", or "mallcore". Everyone has different taste, and some of you should learn to realize that.
IWP said:
I don't care if someone thinks that a certain genre sucks, I just hate it when they call it gay, and say that whoever listens to it is a "fag", or "mallcore". Everyone has different taste, and some of you should learn to realize that.

more words of wisdom here, but it'll probably be ignored.:erk:
Usually when people call something gay they don't meen literally gay as homosexual. With power metal I think people actually mean gay :lol:. You have a bunch of guys dressed in tight leather pants singing saprono and falsetto about things say related to kids movies or whatever. You have guitarists that have cliche 80's style sweep picking left and right. Singing is not just a women expression but higher pitched singing is usually known to be done by the female sex. Their is something gay about power metal because it resembles 80's glam/hairmetal bands when it comes to vocals and instrumentation.

I do take music seriously nor do I think it should be funny or have a lot of humor. I think music should resemble how life really is/realities earth and surroundings.

just my opinion
The Greys said:
Usually when people call something gay they don't meen literally gay as homosexual. With power metal I think people actually mean gay :lol:. You have a bunch of guys dressed in tight leather pants singing saprono and falsetto about things say related to kids movies or whatever. You have guitarists that have cliche 80's style sweep picking left and right. Singing is not just a women expression but higher pitched singing is usually known to be done by the female sex. Their is something gay about power metal because it resembles 80's glam/hairmetal bands when it comes to vocals and instrumentation.

I do take music seriously nor do I think it should be funny or have a lot of humor. I think music should resemble how life really is/realities earth and surroundings.

just my opinion

It's only gay if you actually pay enough attention to what they are (or are not) wearing to give a description.

The Greys said:
Usually when people call something gay they don't meen literally gay as homosexual. With power metal I think people actually mean gay :lol:. You have a bunch of guys dressed in tight leather pants singing saprono and falsetto about things say related to kids movies or whatever. You have guitarists that have cliche 80's style sweep picking left and right. Singing is not just a women expression but higher pitched singing is usually known to be done by the female sex. Their is something gay about power metal because it resembles 80's glam/hairmetal bands when it comes to vocals and instrumentation.

I do take music seriously nor do I think it should be funny or have a lot of humor. I think music should resemble how life really is/realities earth and surroundings.

just my opinion

Yeah, well death metal is a bunch of retarded assholes who go up on stage wearing sweatpants and t-shirts, basically their pajamas, and growling like rabid dogs in heat about how they like to rape corpses and kill people and the guitarists are playing nothing but random chords. With their growling, they're basically saying they're dogs because they sound like them. There's something gay about death metal, too, because they're acting all tough and that's known to be done by rappers, too, who are also known to have sex men in their posses. It resembles retarded noise in its vocals and instrumentation.

Not really my opinion, but that's about how ridiculous you sound. :erk: Not all metal should focus on earth's realities, because then it would be boring. That's like saying all literature should focus on earth and its issues; if that were so, we would have no fantasy/sci-fi literature or even fictional novels like Animal Farm, etc. And who cares if they sing falsetto? A lot of power metal singers have great range. As for the homosexuality, most power metal band members are married to women and love songs are directed TOWARDS WOMEN.
Authentic Metalhead said:
or even fictional novels like Animal Farm, etc.

I'm just feeling the urge to point out that Animal Farm was a parody of 'communistic' sates (one particularly, I think), so it kinda WAS about stuff happening in the 'real' world.

No insult or smart-arsery intended.

Anyway, I agree with your point. Music should be (far) more than non-fiction.
Death metal bands wear sweatpants :lol: . since when

My stereotypes are atleast someone accurate.
Authentic Metalhead said:
I know, but it did it an a way that made it fiction, Allegory or not, it still counts for my argument.

Yeah, it does (still count and all that). Better me pointing it out and you ackowledging it than various other stuff and I don't think I can be bothered.
Six Feet Under is the worst death metal to exist period. I hate how since they are popular people think that's what death metal is like.