power metal?

Let's get back on track here.
I think power metal, in the next few years, has a definite possibility to break out and become a mainstream metal genre, but I also think it can be true to itself, the music can still keep it's integrity and still be good, regardless of how many people like it or how much record companies try to fuck with the sound. Overall, power metal is looking to be very good for metal in general.
Power metal seems to have gotten better with age, I think. It started out as just a straightforward metal subgenre, but a lot of bands have added symphonic elements to their sound and made it sound incredibly beautiful. There's a lot of generic PM bands, but none of them really sound that bad. It's the only genre of metal that I have hope for.
Authentic Metalhead, I think you would find more peer support of your opinions regarding Power Metal in the Old School forum. The majority here don't seem to have an appreciation for Traditional Metal in general. You should check it out.
I don't like how most metal has moved into using palm mutes and drop-D down a half to one-and-a-half step tuning rather than using higher tunings or standard tuning. Power metal is very refreshing since it uses melodys rather than chunky riffs, and uses harmony between the guitar parts both in solos(as many other genres do) and in normal riffs. This is why I think power metal is so popular, because it's so different and new.(Yes, I'm aware it's an older genre, but it's had a surge in popularity recently, and I think this is much of the reason why it's had such a surge.)
I'm generally turned off by power metal because the vocals generally remind me off 80's hair metal bands. It's not just that alone. I actually find the rythmn playing to be really unimaginative. All the bands also sound like they have the same lead players too. Maybe i've just not heard enough.