Quality of Death Metal?


i'm sciencing as fast as i can
Apr 21, 2003
What metal has better quality of Death Metal... Old stuff: 1988-1995 or Newer stuff: 1995 on?

I would have to say the older stuff because of ATG/Death/Miasma/Demilich/Torchure/Morbid Angel/ and so on

Your thoughts?
I really love both the old-school AND modern eras of death metal. Molested, old Suffocation, Miasma, Carnage, Entombed, Torchure, Demigod, Demilich, early Darkthrone...all excellent acts in their own rights.

I also want to take this time to thank everyone from this board who has given me death metal recommendations, especially the poster formerly known as Somberlain, GoD (when he wasn't banned/retarded), Decadent...everyone. You guys kick ass.
I don't really like a lot of death metal. Stuff like Demilich, Cryptopsy, Immolation, Suffocation and stuff never really clicked with me.

What I do like is old Morbid Angel, Death, At the Gates, old Amorphis and Possessed, all of which fall under the "old" category", I suppose. Some of the other acts I mentioned are also old, I realize, but whatever. So there you have it!

Also, let it be said, I REALLY like The Chasm!
I suppose I much prefer newer stuff, with a couple of exceptions. I never liked Demilich, old Amorphis, the oldest Death albums that much.

However, I do really like the progressive albums from that era, such as the Atheist and Cynic and Death (Human).

I like Altars of Madness by Morbid Angel, but none of their other ones are nearly that good
It's hard to even begin to measure them... old school DM was much more consistant and definately on average had more integrity, but perhaps only because the creative bar hadn't been set particularly high. Even in '95 it hadn't been so long since extreme bands had escaped the late-80's thrash standard for beats and riffs, that being near-zero variation from song to song or album to album, creating more of an extreme atmosphere than a song-oriented musical work. There's no denying the first three Morbid Angel albums, but a band like that was more a product of the amazing technical ability of it's members than it's ability to fulfill some standard set by "the scene". But then there's entirely too much jerk-offery in modern death, seeing as "the scene" has both expanded and deteriorated into something that could include bands like N*Flaymz.

Ummm... I have no clue. I consider the first Myrkskog album to be on par with the first Posessed album, and I rock out to both to the same degree.

V.V.V.V.V. said:
GoD (when he wasn't banned/retarded)

I missed it. What happened?
I like the old school thrashy stuff the best...i like some of the newer stuff but for the most part death metal bands today are just trying to be faster and more technical than anyone else and they are just boring and repetive. Give me some old school death with good songwriting anyday
Yah, I really like the dirty, raw thrashy part of early death metal. Altars of Madness captures that perfectly, though I'm not fond of much else by Morbid Angel.

V.v.V.v.V said:
I also want to take this time to thank everyone from this board who has given me death metal recommendations, especially the poster formerly known as Somberlain, GoD (when he wasn't banned/retarded), Decadent...everyone. You guys kick ass.

I'm surprised you mention me and not Doomwatcher. I always thought he was the voice of obscure death metal around here, along with Somberlain/Malignance.