Serious genre question (no yuksters)

Because metalhead jackasses never judge the style outside of Trivium and As I Lay Dying and therefore assume the entire style sucks, then plug the idea that all metalcore bands are horrible into usage and it just sticks even though they're obviously in the wrong.
I have a genre question for you all, no crap comments please.

What genre would you all consider bands that are the "popular" Metal for these days, you know, the kind that dominates Headbanger's Ball, the major Metal mags, Ozzfest of past, etc. I know it's mostly the bands a lot of you all hate and can't stand, but if you had to throw it into a genre what would it be?

Bands like: Unearth, Diecast, God Forbid, Lamb of God, Norma Jean, Mudvayne, Underoath, Cradle of Filth, Atreyu, Drowning Pool, Korn - you get the idea - actually a couple of those may not even belong in that list but...

Reason I ask is I was thikning of starting a sister site to Ultimate Metal to cover all that stuff since there seems to be some folks coming to this site into that lately.

Again, no jerkwad answers please.

A sister site is a good idea, but is it certain its a good idea? That is, do you think this "metal" style that kids listen to now, which is roaring around the charts, is it anything more than a fad? i.e. worth investing in?

(Yes, this is a serious question... Personally, I don't see that style of music being too "permanent" really).
Because metalhead jackasses never judge the style outside of Trivium and As I Lay Dying and therefore assume the entire style sucks, then plug the idea that all metalcore bands are horrible into usage and it just sticks even though they're obviously in the wrong.

Chill. I don't have a problem with metalcore. All I'm saying is that word, to me, sounds like a pejorative (even though it isn't).
Well maybe in the sense that it will, with the connection to this site in mind, possibly lead them to Metal. If one would consider that "worth" investigating in. But of course that one would be the one putting money down on the idea.
A sister site is a good idea, but is it certain its a good idea? That is, do you think this "metal" style that kids listen to now, which is roaring around the charts, is it anything more than a fad? i.e. worth investing in?

(Yes, this is a serious question... Personally, I don't see that style of music being too "permanent" really).

Metalcore has been around and has had a very solid fanbase since the 1990s, even earlier if you count Crossover as a for of metalcore.

Chill. I don't have a problem with metalcore. All I'm saying is that word, to me, sounds like a pejorative (even though it isn't).

I was just pointing out why it seems that way ...
Well maybe in the sense that it will, with the connection to this site in mind, possibly lead them to Metal. If one would consider that "worth" investigating in. But of course that one would be the one putting money down on the idea.

You don't consider Unearth/GodForbid/DieCast(Newer album much more metalcore older albums really good) metal? Hahaha so funny.

Anyways to the OP you can't combine those bands together as thats like 3-4 different genres.

Unearth/DieCast/GodForbid similiar

Cradle of Filth

DP/Korn similiar

Lamb of God

Atreyu isn't even hard rock anymore let alone metal hahahaha

I thought this site was for all types of metal not just deathmetal/blackmetal?

Metalcore is metal..... and 3 of those bands = metalcore

Also, CoF is metal too lol...
Hot Topic-core? I don't know.

These bands do seem to be more associated with a specific demographic than metal in general. You'll probably need to appeal to the lifestyle aspects of that scene in addition to the music.
I don't see the need for a sister site. Why can't it all be under the one roof? Or if you really feel the need to separate the more mainstream stuff, how about a new area? GMMD?
in all reality this site is for all forms of real metal. however most of us are into BM/DM. occasionally some other subgenres slip in
I don't see the need for a sister site. Why can't it all be under the one roof? Or if you really feel the need to separate the more mainstream stuff, how about a new area? GMMD?

This isn't about GMD, it's about the site as a whole. Meaning, I am looking to offer forums for bands of those styles also, as well general discussion, etc. It doesn't take a genius to know that the two can not co-exist uder one roof without a lot of people getting banned for thinking their style is superior and trolling the other. It happens right here in GMD if anyone dares make a new thread about one of those bands (Trivium anyone, and I don't even think they fall into that category so...)

Death, Black, Prog, Power, etc. genres for some reason can co-exist, but as soon as you start throwing the newer generation of Metal in there as well too many people flip out about it. Just imagine if there were forums hosted here for bands like that....chaos!

Anyways, thanks for the feedback everyone! I appreciate everyone keeping on topic as well. Feels... <borat> niceeeeeeeee </borat>
Even if you did create a sister site, the new generation would still come to GMD. Sending them to the sister site would be no different from sending them to any other metalcore site (except commercially).
This isn't about GMD, it's about the site as a whole. Meaning, I am looking to offer forums for bands of those styles also, as well general discussion, etc. It doesn't take a genius to know that the two can not co-exist uder one roof without a lot of people getting banned for thinking their style is superior and trolling the other. It happens right here in GMD if anyone dares make a new thread about one of those bands (Trivium anyone, and I don't even think they fall into that category so...)

Death, Black, Prog, Power, etc. genres for some reason can co-exist, but as soon as you start throwing the newer generation of Metal in there as well too many people flip out about it. Just imagine if there were forums hosted here for bands like that....chaos!

Anyways, thanks for the feedback everyone! I appreciate everyone keeping on topic as well. Feels... <borat> niceeeeeeeee </borat>

We all ready had a big metalcore topic and the flaming was... limited. So 3-4 of those bands you can rule out.

DP/Korn/etc. aren't even really metal, if you wanted to make a sister site it would have to be hard - rock.

Putting Unearth / God Forbid within the same realm as DP/Korn is very very insulting.
We all ready had a big metalcore topic and the flaming was... limited. So 3-4 of those bands you can rule out.

Unless you're an old member who came back under a new name, you haven't been around long enough to see what happens when certain "core"/"Nu" bands are mentioned around here. It's not pretty and it gets pretty brutal sometimes. If I thought it would be safe running under the same site, this issue of a sister site would not bea thought in my mind.

DP/Korn/etc. aren't even really metal, if you wanted to make a sister site it would have to be hard - rock.

Those bands are not Hard Rock (in my opinion). Hard rock at times, yes, but not Hard Rock overall. Hard Rock are bands like Daughtry, Nickelback, Priestess, Scorpions, Jorn, etc[/quote]

Putting Unearth / God Forbid within the same realm as DP/Korn is very very insulting.

Which is exactly what I said as an afterthought in my original post.
Even if you did create a sister site, the new generation would still come to GMD. Sending them to the sister site would be no different from sending them to any other metalcore site (except commercially).

No they wouldn't, because they are never welcomed dude. You need to be in here every day and see what happens when fans of those bands stop in to say hey or ask about the bands. It becomes a flame fest and usually I have to delete the thread. It's happened countless times, and often. So if there were a site that catered specifically to that style of Metal then it would solve the issue for the most part.
Unearth - metalcore
Diecast - haven't heard
God Forbid - metalcore
Lamb of God - metalcore
Norma Jean - metalcore
Mudvayne - nu-metal
Underoath - haven't heard
Cradle of Filth - goth metal
Atreyu - screamo? metalcore I don't know
Drowning Pool - Nu-metal
Korn - Nu-metal

Why would you want to start a site dedicated to crap anyways?

*sees a dumptruck full of $$$ from Roadrunner dumped on MetalAges' front lawn*

...Never mind.
No they wouldn't, because they are never welcomed dude. You need to be in here every day and see what happens when fans of those bands stop in to say hey or ask about the bands. It becomes a flame fest and usually I have to delete the thread. It's happened countless times, and often. So if there were a site that catered specifically to that style of Metal then it would solve the issue for the most part.

Exactly, we can keep it seperate...yet equal!
Why would you want to start a site dedicated to crap anyways?

*sees a dumptruck full of $$$ from Roadrunner dumped on MetalAges' front lawn*

...Never mind.

I hope that's a joke, otherwise it's one of the more moronic statements I've seen in quite a while around here.

To answer your question, personally, I like all styles of music/metal - I'm not close minded when it comes to genres whether it be within Metal or other styles like pop, country, soundtracks, etc. Not saying I like any and all artists from every genre out there (do not like most rap/hip hop), but I have broad musical tastes in general.

Given that, I would enjoy starting up and running a forum for that style as well to go along with 4-5 other "Ultimate" sites I will be launching in the near future.