Should metal bands have samplists?

Anyway, I think anything can happen in metal. That's what makes it so great; there's so much room for experimentation. I would have despised sampling but I heard a little album called Endtroducing and it totally changed my outlook on the subject. DJ Shadow made what is quite possibly the only pseudo-metal song with only samples and his drum machine. It's quite incredible really. It's called Stem/Long Stem/Transmission 2. It's atmosphere is on par with Black Metal.

Yeah that's an awesome album. There's another track on it called "The Number Song" which samples Cliff Burton's distorted bass intro to "Orion" all the way through the track to great effect.
Wouldn't surprise me if they used sound bytes from the LoTR movies in their next release.

I wouldn't mind that at all. They have used samples from the old LOTR movie before. It would be okay if I didn't know what movie the quote is from, I don't think Braveheart fits with the imagery they are trying to portray.
Its the 21st century. Utilize every bit of digital madness possible. The world may end tomorrow and you will die.
Good logic, A+. :p

In OTHER news, I think it's funny for some reason that Nokturnal Mortum used the storming the beach (I think?) sample from Saving Private Ryan for "The Taste Of Victory" on Weltanschauung.
Summoning should be also banned .


Cheap editing gags aside, I think the answer to the original question should be "maybe". It all depends on the band. For instance, I couldn't see a "samplist" being all that useful to a band like Saxon, but ultimately samples can add a great deal to a song. Even death metal.

Yeah, I know that's pretty unexpected for an unreconstructed reactionary old fart like me, but I really think that on an album like Daemon - 7 Deadly Sins, the samples really work well.

As for how many samples does it take for a metal band to change into some other kind of band ? Who knows ?
I think there cannot be any debate about keyboardists - without them, black metal and power metal would die. As far as samplists go, I dunno. I have no problem with a band using samples, but adding a full time samplist seems excessive - can't you just have a roadie play them from offstage? Iron Maiden even do that with their keyboardist.