So what does everyone do?

They gotta be decent looking fat bitches though. Not just any old hogger will do!

fat girls are actually great the next morning

usually wake you up with a blowjob cause they're hungry

and they don't want you to make excuses to try and get away fast so they'll start making you breakfast right away ...

coffee, eggs, toast, 3 KINDS OF BREAKFAST MEAT, muffin ... its not so bad really
not like my woman is skinny, then again neither am I .... hahahhaha

Its all about the face really for this stuff. With the fat girl porn they need to have some kind of feature that is appealing to the fans. Nice eyes, pretty face, huge tits, huge ass, the less "cellulite" the better. As long as the skin don't look like the surface of the moon its usually pretty marketable. i am no millionaire cause of it, but it does pay enough to get me the gear I want for my studio :)

Something like below simply will not do!!
I met a fat chick on a night out once, she took me back to hers to "feed me up" because I was "too skinny", so anyway, she bought me loads of food and then I bailed.

They say theres no such thing as a free meal, and that ones never came back to bite me in the ass, although if she had the opportunity she probably would take one.
From my last few photo shoots / video shoots for those of you PMing me saying I really don't produce porn :) These are G Rated as I am sure none of you want to see the real deal ... hahahhaha

BDSM Big Bitches


Big Girl Boarding School

Voluptuous Vampire Virgins

This, plus I'm a guitar teacher.

Thats kewl!
Im actually considering giving out lessons due to massive requests from people.. dont know why though, because i think i suck(In fact, some of the requests are from better players. o,0). :lol: