Someone else agrees Spiderman was overrated.....

If there'll be a JL movie that is.
Seems like DC has a hard time getting things together and what with the DC head talking bout how he prefers the characters as to be in stand alone movies..not combos..

Strange how a guy who is given the task to handle comics cant see what is good for the business...cheezzz!!

DC has alot of great characters but somehow seems hard to be put forth in movie form.. Marvel is having the upper hand here.
the rights to a daredevil movie have just lapsed and reverted
this means that the next time Daredevil appears in a movie, it will be in the same "movie universe" as the avengers
there's been talk of doing the whole "daredevil refusing to join the avengers scene" but its really too early to say with certainty
the whole lapse thing only just happened just a few days ago

it's just me, you, and 2 other people, everyone else seems to think that anne hathaway was way sexi-er than Pheiffer :err:

I'm not a fan of Justice League, so I really don't care. I do think that Avengers 2 will murder JL at the box office.

avengers 2 will murder justice league at box office
but, so far, justice league is still scheduled to be released at the same time as avengers 2
DC has the classic superheroes and with the condition right now, i doubt they would come up with a proper movie as yet.

Tho i hate the idea of how Avenger 2 would be capable of mutilating JL, i see no reason to dismiss it.
Anne Hathaway ain't got nothing on this!

forget about Pfeifer having pretty-er face
and better acting
and a better written screenplay

just looking at the freaking costumes, Pfeiffer wins,
Pfeiffer's catwoman costume makes me get a boner
Batman Returns for CATWOMAN!!

erm....'THE' BATMAN huh??
Guess there'll be the "Back to "THE" Bat Cave!!" scene after all!!
i'm just sick and tired of people trying to say that Christopher Nolan is the greatest movie director of all time

Joss Whedon and Gary Ross are both way better
and that's just the 2 names that just came off the top of my head
i'd be totally psyched if either of those 2 were going to direct Batman re-boot series
but at this point i'm just exited that someone that's not Christopher Nolan is going to make a batman movie
Agreed. Inception fucking sucked, and as far as Batman goes, I'm a Tim Burton guy.

every movie Nolan directed sucked except Batman Begins which was awesome

Tim Burton's 2 batman movies were Awesome

said it earlier and i'm gonna say it again
Michelle Pheiffer's catwoman was the sexi-est female to ever be in any superhero movie