Steve Wilson and Opeth

nicemarmot said:
Deliverance lacks the beauty that MAYH and SL have. It has that plain metal sound the whole way through, where MAYH and SL have so much atmosphere which add to the story of the lyrics. I like the production on those two much better than what SW is doing, he does a lovely job on his albums but that production does not fit the music and story that opeth writes and takes away the atmosphere a bit. Also IMO i would not care if SW died a horrible death in a car accident. :p

you have the right to your opinion. But i think wishing death upon someone...especially someone so closely related to the band in which forum you are posting extremely uncalled for and rude. Nor do i find it humorous, i find it very offensive. Id appreciate it if you wouldnt do that anymore. thanks
nicemarmot said:
Deliverance lacks the beauty that MAYH and SL have. It has that plain metal sound the whole way through, where MAYH and SL have so much atmosphere which add to the story of the lyrics. I like the production on those two much better than what SW is doing, he does a lovely job on his albums but that production does not fit the music and story that opeth writes and takes away the atmosphere a bit. Also IMO i would not care if SW died a horrible death in a car accident. :p

I agree completely, except for him dying in a car accident............thats a terrible way to go, I'd rather they crush his skull with a ball and chain, its much more entertaining :wave:
nicemarmot said:
Deliverance lacks the beauty that MAYH and SL have. It has that plain metal sound the whole way through, where MAYH and SL have so much atmosphere which add to the story of the lyrics. I like the production on those two much better than what SW is doing, he does a lovely job on his albums but that production does not fit the music and story that opeth writes and takes away the atmosphere a bit. Also IMO i would not care if SW died a horrible death in a car accident. :p
steve wilson = professional musician
you = typing away at a computer

on a lighter note: your name makes me think of:
"and we'll come back and we'll cut off your johnson!"
I love BWP and Deliverance in every way so I guess that pretty much says what I think about Steve Wilson's involvement with Opeth.

Being that I'm a new fan of Opeth, I think my view is pretty much 'unbiased' in the sense that I am not judging Opeth's past albums to their recent ones since I am still in the process of absorbing it all.
we'll stop by after the what-have-you, get some burgers, some beers....have a few laughs.

lets quote the entire movie until moonlapse notices.......
very nicely done, gunhaver

im stayin. im finishing my coffee....enjoyin my coffee.

also note: i believe ladykillers came out on DVD this tuesday. if not, it will soon.
sorry about the messup minion, haha.
toe quote, one of my favs, haver.

this is a bit lengthy, but the whole is just wonderful:

D: You brought a fucking Pomeranian bowling?
W: What do you mean brought it bowling?. I didn't rent it shoes. I'm not buying it a fucking beer. He's not taking your fucking turn, dude.
D: Man if my fucking ex-wife asked me to take care of her fucking dog while she and her boyfriend went to Honolulu, I'd tell her to go fuck herself. Why can't she board it?
W: First of all, dude, you don't have an ex. Secondly, this is a fucking show dog, with fucking papers, you can't board it, it gets upset, its hair falls out. Fucking dog has fucking papers. OVER THE LINE!!

did anybody go to the lebowskifest, in KY?
8 year olds, dude.
IAmEternal said:
The more I listen to Crimson II the more I dislike it also.
Vocals too quiet, or something... not sure. Great album though.
Crimson II > Deliverance \m/
The guitars and vocals just sound to weak in Crimson II. I'd much rather listen to Deliverance than Crimson II. I regret that I even spent money on the album. I could've had a Peccatum CD instead of Crimson II. :waah:
Gunhaver said: human paraquat!
you bastard! that was my next one!

D1, very nice man. i couldnt have done it better myself.

i cant believe this thread is still going! did moonlapse die?
note: I haven't read the whole thread.

How is what SW said elitist? I'm not disagreeing, just curious.

When I saw Lamentations, I didn't like the fact that he added stuff to the music.

abcd..., good point about the production. It's not about full sound, it'as about over-compressing