Steven Slate Drums 2.0: SIGNATURE DRUM KITS... DEMOS!!

pantera far beyond driven.....
unearth - in the eyes of fire sick sick drums.

is this out yet slate? heheh i need it like yesterday.
So far the kits that are definitely being added are DREAM THEATER, and a Tommy Lee MOTLEY CRUE KIT. Keep in mind that there will be a FEW different METAL kits based on the Elite Samples that will be able to already get close to a lot of the sounds mentioned (yes I've been checking almost all of them out). Thanks so much for the ideas, again, if something is highly demanded and I don't already have the sounds in the collection, I'll model it.

Should be out in a month.
I think the upgrade will be about 30 bucks... don't quote me on it.. I do know that it'll be cheaper to buy the Elite and then upgrade then buy the 2.0 when it comes out new.

BTW, I just REDID the snare that was inspired by the Metallica Black Album. Sounds way more authentic, will post soon.
Hey Mr. Slate great stuff as usual, i have a question, could be posible to buy just some kits? for example : i'm on low budget but i really like some of the Signature Kits let's say Metallica kit, it's posible to buy just that one or i have to buy the complete Elite series ?? i think it could be a good comercial idea...anyways thanks in advance

(sorry for my english )
We're going to start out having two packages,one will have double the amount of the other, but the "SignatureDrumkits LE" (cheaper of the two) will surely have at least the drumkit inspired by the sound of Metallica. I'm not sure we'll ever release bare kits, but I'll keep it in mind.
The new Metallica snare sounds outstanding! Even more authentic sounding than the other one (which was already cool as hell). I can't wait to get my hands on that thing
Just an idea slate (a great idea haha)

Have you ever considered making impulses for guitars ?

you could base it on the same idea as your kits

classic guitar sounds ! (impulses)

you would have your slate 2.0 drum metallica, Pantera, dream theatre

slate 1.0 guitar impulses (metallica, pantera, dream theatre......)

the combinations would be unreal !

whats everyone else think ?