Strange Habits/Idiosyncrasies

when I have a plate of food, I like to keep all of the items separate from each other. I don't like my green beans mingling with my chicken er whatever. I fear sullying the tastes of the individual items
Same here.
I make random BM/DM growls in long periods of boredom.

I crack my toes and fingers constantly.
Same here.
I always imagine the worst possible way a situation could turn, so that I could come in and "save the day."

It is strange and I hope none of my thoughts ever become reality, but still I can't help but do it.
I do that as well Mort.

If I get one hand wet, I always rub the water or whatever on my other hand as well, as to get the other hand wet before I dry it/them off.
I can't sleep without having a fan blowing air in the bedroom. Even in the coldest night of winter. I don't know it helps me...I don't hear all the little annoying noises. My girlfriend hates that as she is always cold and it obviously doesn't help her.
Whenever I drink anything out of a bottle, I have to shake said bottle before each sip. If there's no cap, it's just a little jiggle, but if there is a cap, I'm shaking that shit hard. Doesn't matter what it is. If it's liquid and in a bottle, it's getting some good shaking.
Ok this may sound very strange, and although I don't do it anymore, but up to my late teens I had this bizarre habit to lick my pillow(at least once) before going to bed. especially when it was fresh out of laundry, I always hated the taste of it but still continued doing it.
I often think in the form of message board posts. Maybe I spend too much time here.

Sometimes I even say things like 'lol' out loud.

when I have a plate of food, I like to keep all of the items separate from each other. I don't like my green beans mingling with my chicken er whatever. I fear sullying the tastes of the individual items

I cannot eat something if it's mingled together.

I pick at/bite my fingernails often.

I bite my nails all the time.

I can't sleep without having a fan blowing air in the bedroom. Even in the coldest night of winter. I don't know it helps me...I don't hear all the little annoying noises. My girlfriend hates that as she is always cold and it obviously doesn't help her.

Same here. My fan is currently broken, so I've been laying awake till 3 + in the morning.

Ok this may sound very strange, and although I don't do it anymore, but up to my late teens I had this bizarre habit to lick my pillow(at least once) before going to bed. especially when it was fresh out of laundry, I always hated the taste of it but still continued doing it.


Other than the ones above, I can't think of any strange things I do.
Ok this may sound very strange, and although I don't do it anymore, but up to my late teens I had this bizarre habit to lick my pillow(at least once) before going to bed. especially when it was fresh out of laundry, I always hated the taste of it but still continued doing it.

I think this is the strangest yet :err:
Until I was 2 yrs. old whenever my parents tried to take me into a church I would either throw a fit and cry until I left or start throwing up everywhere. After 2 years of this my parents gave up and I've never been in a church since, aside from the occasional wedding/funeral.