Strange Habits/Idiosyncrasies

Until I was 2 yrs. old whenever my parents tried to take me into a church I would either throw a fit and cry until I left or start throwing up everywhere. After 2 years of this my parents gave up and I've never been in a church since, aside from the occasional wedding/funeral.

That's some real life The Exorcist shit right there.

I also tap my feet a lot. Especially when lying in bed I have a hard time not tapping my feet together, usually without me even realizing I'm doing it. And I also do the inner dialog thing, oddly enough almost always in English despite the fact it's not my native language (though I do have an English girlfriend and converse in English over the internet 95% of the time so I suppose that makes it slightly less weird...)

And I have a thing for mints and feel uneasy going anywhere without having a roll of mints on me. They're kind of my alternative to smoking cigarettes I guess. Sucking on mints calms me down a little when I'm nervous. Gives you something to focus on, and having fresh minty breath is always a nice bonus.
A couple of mine have already been mentioned:

I need to have a fan on when I sleep, and generally prefer the windows to be open.

I bite my fingernails without even realizing it until I've already done so.

I have a lazy habit of leaving my clothing on the floor after getting dressed/undressed.

I have a non-narcissistic habit of looking in the mirror. I don't have a large mirror in my bedroom but a small one positioned perfectly so that I can look at myself when necessary. I don't admire myself or anything but it's something I 'must' do :lol:

^Related to this, I'm very self-conscious about my hair. If it isn't perfect in the way I want then my whole day is ruined, and even just the slightest breeze that messes up my hair just absolutely gets to me.

Usually when drinking something, rather than take small sips I will drink the entire glass, then pour another and do the same.

I have a tendency to always pay with cash rather than card, and then wonder why I have so much useless change lying around.

I wear my shades/sunglasses when I feel like regardless of the season or lighting conditions.

...I'm sure there's a ton more.
mm. I always have the bedroom window open, and I'm a light sleeper. So, it's always nice having the loud mouthed croatian and spanish neighbors standing outside their doors having loud full on conversations in their native languages. I can't sleep with any bit of noise unless it's a low whirr of a fan or air conditioner.

also, and this isn't something I can entirely control, but if I sleep in a hotel or any bed that's not mine, I have really vivid and bizarre dreams.
I also tap my feet a lot. Especially when lying in bed I have a hard time not tapping my feet together, usually without me even realizing I'm doing it. And I also do the inner dialog thing,

also, and this isn't something I can entirely control, but if I sleep in a hotel or any bed that's not mine, I have really vivid and bizarre dreams.
I also do these things.
I talk to myself, especially when I'm pissed off at certain groups of people and genocidal thoughts form into speech.

An hour or two after dinner, I HAVE to have either a soda or an after-dinner coffee as a digestive.

I spend too much time of my day worrying about being hungry for dinner, because I like to eat big dinners without feeling stuffed.

I've got other habits, which I may or may not post depending on my willingness to articulate them...
Oh, yeah I have an AWFUL nervous habit of chewing on my fingers. It's especially bad when I play video games that don't really require two hands to play, because I'll have one hand doing everything and the other hand controlling my nerves by being chewed on. It actually has gotten to the point where I have caused a bit of a deformity in my left index finger where part of it just swells up and outward.

Explain to me this "seven year itch" as all I can find on it involves marriage and infidelity.
It was mainly a joke because the phrase sounds funny and that you don't get laid much. Not that I really know, so don't take it seriously. It means once you get married and never getting laid after you are married and wanting to cheat on your wife. I first heard about it in Full Metal Jacket, it was a running cadence they used and the line goes "Got the blue ball scratch and the seven year itch!"

I failed. :erk:
It was mainly a joke because the phrase sounds funny and that you don't get laid much. Not that I really know, so don't take it seriously. It means once you get married and never getting laid after you are married and wanting to cheat on your wife. I first heard about it in Full Metal Jacket, it was a running cadence they used and the line goes "Got the blue ball scratch and the seven year itch!"

I failed. :erk:

Oh, haha. :lol:
As mentioned before in this thread, I smell my hands.

I cannot skim a book. I have to read it word for word.

I daydream and make up scenarios that I almost convince myself will happen.

I make death growls/pig squeals or whatever type vocals.

I play air drums whenever I'm sitting down.

When I'm eating, I CANNOT look at any kind of magazine, newspaper, or picture containing a person on it. I've had this problem since I was a kid and I've always found it kind of odd.
As mentioned before in this thread, I smell my hands.

I cannot skim a book. I have to read it word for word.

I daydream and make up scenarios that I almost convince myself will happen.

I make death growls/pig squeals or whatever type vocals.

I play air drums whenever I'm sitting down.

When I'm eating, I CANNOT look at any kind of magazine, newspaper, or picture containing a person on it. I've had this problem since I was a kid and I've always found it kind of odd.

I do that.
Whenever I have to sneeze I'll start breathing in through my nose (to trigger the tickle to sneeze reflex) and stare at a bright light (because for some reason that triggers some sneezing reaction.)
When I was younger (up until about 13 y/o) I could not eat out without getting violently nauseous.

I can cause myself physical pain merely by thinking about it. It's actually kind of fun sometimes, actually.

When I read books, I can rarely remember quotes or certain events; I usually remember and talk about the book as a whole. This is also true of my music listening, though I can remember individual riffs and such

I had severe anger problems as a child and would often throw wild fits when I had to leave my house for more than a few hours. This eventually led my parents to bring me to a family counselor. :lol:
I do the foot or finger tapping thing whenever I listen to music aswell. I also get very paranoid about making sure doors and windows are locked, and even though I "know" that they are locked, I have to go back and check again.
I set everything to even numbers (TV/PC/amp settings, etc.)

I smell a lot of stuff

I'm always shaking/tapping my leg or foot, usually to imaginary music

I can't create in trashy environments

I make BM growls, screeches, and grunts while alone and sometimes without thinking about it

I can map out the locations of various dreams I've been visiting since childhood

and much, much more
When I have my lip stud in, I constantly unscrew the ball the check that it's not on too tight or too loose. I then put it back on, and check it again in the next 10 minutes or so.

I hate kiwi fruit, they make me feel incredibly uncomfortable even just to think about. The thought of their furry skin and prickly on sour flesh makes my tongue feel fuzzy and I cannot stand having them around me.

When I was younger, I had the habit of whispering or muttering whatever I just said right after I said it.