Strange Habits/Idiosyncrasies

Cttn: I don't like peaches for the same reason, can't stand their rind, although they aren't that great on the inside either. I have nothing against nectars,peach extract, etc, but the fruit itself makes me queasy.Kiwis are tastier though.
Whenever I have to sneeze I'll start breathing in through my nose (to trigger the tickle to sneeze reflex) and stare at a bright light (because for some reason that triggers some sneezing reaction.)

Same here.

Other habits:

I refuse to drink liquid at a restaurant until my food comes.

When in the car with my parents, I ALWAYS drive. I can't stand not being the driver.
I frequently make sure that I have my wallet and especially my phone, because it falls out pretty easily, but I don't think that's really anything weird.
I think out loud, which causes some to think I'm talking to myself.

Twirl my hair in my fingers and pick at my nails alot.

and stretching into really odd positions wherever I go