Strange Habits/Idiosyncrasies

I have a tendency to develop and fairly strictly follow routines. For instance, during the holidays I will always have lunch at exactly the same time and make it in exactly the same order, trying as much as possible to take the same amount of time every day to do so. It doesn't annoy me a massive amount if for some reason my routine cycle breaks, but I prefer it not to.
I check my email about 40 times a day (not an exaggeration).

I do smell my hands quite often.

I'm always playing air guitar.

I make strange faces at inappropriate times.

Despite being a big fan of my long hair, I frequently tie it back because I can't stand it. I go to great lengths to try and make it managable and as it is quite noticeable, people poke fun at me for it.

I can't chug/funnel beer for reasons unknown.

I read magazines from back to front.

When not busy, I can read up to 100 articles on wikipedia per day.

I'm not good with frequently cutting my toenails.

I set my alarm clock and then check to make sure its on up to 5 times before I actually go to bed. If I wake up before my alarm goes off I'm always convinced that I overslept at first.

I have an irrational fear of heights, ladders, escalators, balconies, pretty much anything that could potentially involve falling a good distance.

I can obsess about one idea or thought on an hourly basis sometimes for months at a time.
I can't stand it when a door doesn't click all the way closed.
Same. I also hate it when characters in TV shows don't close the door behind them.

Cttn: I don't like peaches for the same reason, can't stand their rind, although they aren't that great on the inside either. I have nothing against nectars,peach extract, etc, but the fruit itself makes me queasy.Kiwis are tastier though.
The smell of oranges makes me nauseous

I have a tendency to develop and fairly strictly follow routines. For instance, during the holidays I will always have lunch at exactly the same time and make it in exactly the same order, trying as much as possible to take the same amount of time every day to do so. It doesn't annoy me a massive amount if for some reason my routine cycle breaks, but I prefer it not to.
I do similar things. For example I always try to go to the same bathroom at work and I always start my lunch break exactly at 12.
***I responded to this thread before reading any of it, so I will no respond to specific posts***

I can't sleep without having a fan blowing air in the bedroom. Even in the coldest night of winter. I don't know it helps me...I don't hear all the little annoying noises. My girlfriend hates that as she is always cold and it obviously doesn't help her.

I do the exact same thing (except for the part about having a girlfriend to be annoyed by it. Doesn't sit well with the cats, though). I just want the noise, so I actually have the fan turned away from me. I suppose I should invest in one of those ambient noise things.

And whoever mentioned the habit of repeating themselves under their breath, I also did that when I was a little tike. Of course, my family made fun of me for it. A lot.
i caught a grasshopper, put it in a jar, cummed in the jar, and waited for it to die. i dont do that all the time, but i do enjoy torture grasshoppers to death, i habbit ive had all my life.

i also like to call people and blow into the phone until they hang up.

and one time, because ther is this sex offender in my neibohrhood, i stood outside his house and made native american sounds. sonovabitch never came out!

but yeah, i think that is the extent of weird things ive done while bored
i caught a grasshopper, put it in a jar, cummed in the jar, and waited for it to die. i dont do that all the time, but i do enjoy torture grasshoppers to death, i habbit ive had all my life.

i also like to call people and blow into the phone until they hang up.

and one time, because ther is this sex offender in my neibohrhood, i stood outside his house and made native american sounds. sonovabitch never came out!

but yeah, i think that is the extent of weird things ive done while bored

meanie! :mad: