Strange Habits/Idiosyncrasies

i sleep with at least one hand on my crotch
(quote that fucker)
always doing double bass with my feet or with my pointer and middle finger
i crack my knucles, toes, elbows, neck, and ankles constantly

i chew my lip unless i get a cancer stick

i growl to whatever song is playing on the cd in the car

i am a chronic masturbater
However to bring up the polar opposite of this when I'm going to bed I can not have ANY light shine through, I cover up my radio, my DVD player, my VCR, my alarm clock, etc. all of that, rush to turn my lights off, then turn off my lamp, and slide under the covers.
Ha, the only appliance that constantly emits light in my room is the mouse. It's a minor distraction and does slightly disrupt mine falling asleep, but I don't really treasure sleep anyway, and the three-four hours of rest that I get are enough to get me through the next day. Of course, I almost always wake up feeling as though a steamroller ran me over several times, but there's nothing that good coffee can't fix...Except for the times when it has an adverse effect.
I have a weird habit of flipping open my phone and testing the vibrate function every so often. I've no clue why but I'll just end up doing it without even realizing it.
I ask my cats and dogs questions. Like "are you hungry?" or "what the fuck is your problem?", "you alright?", "where have you been?". etc.

I only ask because I actually want to know, but I suppose I would probably be pretty alarmed if any one of them answered me.
It is really not suggested that you mix that whole deal with listening to The Axis of Perdition. I have never become more paranoid in my life than when I sealed off all light (which meant putting a pillow over my window, which I don't even normally have to do) and put on Deleted Scenes from the Transition Hospital. Holy shit.
