Strange Habits/Idiosyncrasies

Not anythign dat related, but I have a habit of playing my guitar high near the neck. With my picking hand that is, I usually plick over the 22 fret or so. Except for when I am palm muting of course.
Yea, I also do palm mutes between my bridge humbucker and middle single coil. I just find it a whole lot easier to tremelo pick on top of frets. I think I'm crazy.
Oh yes, I just remembered one.

I am CONSTANTLY hearing someone calling my name. I'll be sitting here listening to whatever and I'll hear my mom call me, so I'll rush upstairs and go like "What?" and turns out she never said anything. OR I'll be in school sitting in a completely quiet room and suddenly hear my name whispered in my ear in a "come here" kind of tone, but when I look around for who said it everyone will be busy working and not one will have been paying attention to me.

It is pretty bad too at night sometimes, when I know everyone is asleep but I still hear my name called out. It freaks the shit out of me so I pretty much immediately will go to sleep when that happens.

I've had this going on for like, a good 5 years now.
Whenever I have some big project to get started on, I'll often wander the apartment aimlessly, traipsing from room to room for a few minutes and only then sit down and start working.
Since I was a little kid, I always got the feeling as I went to sleep that the room I am in was ridiculously huge and I was tiny. Or the walls would be pushing in and pulling out, like they were breathing. Freaky shit. The tiny feeling happens a lot when I'm listening to black metal.

I always get a distinct dizzy feeling when I'm falling asleep, like the world is being turned upside down or something.
While not as weird as my voices thing I think this is a bit odd, when I have candy I always eat the flavors with the largest amounts first and then progressively down to the ones with smaller amounts.
Whenever I have some big project to get started on, I'll often wander the apartment aimlessly, traipsing from room to room for a few minutes and only then sit down and start working.

I have a phobia of demolition. I basically fear that the building I'm standing in will collapse if I'm at a level higher than ground. It's not a fear of heights, but rather a fear of the room itself falling on me. I sub-consciously spend a lot of time calculating the how heavy objects in the apartment are, on which ends their weight is concentrated and whether there is a pillar/wall underneath that very point and if the structure as a whole is strong enough.
I do something very similar but it is mostly in places like Home Depot where there are huge shelves with loads of heavy shit on them that could come crashing down due to the slightest structural weakness, even if I know it won't I'm always thinking it will fall so I try to get the hell out of places like that as soon as possible.
Sometimes when people walk behind me (mostly when I'm sitting down), I get the feeling they're going to hit me in the back of the head and I do a little twitch. Does anyone else get this?
When I'm in stores I almost always have to walk behind the person I'm with, I hate walking in front of or next to them.
I am CONSTANTLY hearing someone calling my name. I'll be sitting here listening to whatever and I'll hear my mom call me, so I'll rush upstairs and go like "What?" and turns out she never said anything.

This used to happen to me when I was younger and listened to music real loud in my room. I would think my mom would be downstairs yelling for me (which she sometimes was)
For some reason, when I go on walks, I'll hold my breath when people walk by. I think it's because I don't want to sound like some creepy guy by breathing hard and I can't hear how loud I'm breathing when I've got music on.

I also look behind me a lot on runs. Even if I'm aware there's no cars or anything, I constantly check behind me.
Same. Especially whenever I'm ascending/descending staircases, I can't have anyone following me. I always let the pursuer get ahead of me.

The only exception is when I'm holdin' hands with someone in a store, the second our hands separate I start to fade back even just inches to get behind the person.
This used to happen to me when I was younger and listened to music real loud in my room. I would think my mom would be downstairs yelling for me (which she sometimes was)

I have a similair problem. My headphones block out noise really well, so I can't ever here people calling me. Whenever I listen to Fallen by Symphony X I end up pausing it several times because I swear I hear someone pounding on my door. It happens a lot, but especially with that song.