Strange Habits/Idiosyncrasies

mort: Oh, you mean only in stores. No, I get this fright in all buildings and almost exclusively on staircases. On escalators too. Whenever someone's occupying an adjacent step on an escalator I always move onto a higher one
Well, aside from school I'm never really in other buildings that are not stores (not counting my house and I never really walk with other people in my house) but at school I essentially have no choice but to deal with having to walk in front of some people and next to others, etc.

It may be in other buildings but I've only really experienced it at other places because I'm not at many other places with enough people to make it so that I need to walk behind them or with not so many where I'm crowded into a situation.
I can't sleep without socks on.

In the winter I keep my window open so I can snuggle underneath all of my blankets :]

I hold my breath whenever I'm about to walk by people who are smoking and don't let it out until I'm out of their shit smoke smell...above everything else in the world, I hate cigarettes...and big spiders.

I always have part of my headphones' cord in my mouth when I'm on my laptop.

I like to wink and smile at guys who I know it makes uncomfortable.
I hold my breath whenever I'm about to walk by people who are smoking and don't let it out until I'm out of their shit smoke smell...above everything else in the world, I hate cigarettes...and big spiders.

I always have part of my headphones' cord in my mouth when I'm on my laptop.
Same on the laptop headphones. Whenever I'm smoking I always avoid other people that don't smoke, so they don't have to deal with my smoke.
I don't fold my laundry when I take it out of the dryer.
Same here.
My brother can NOT, for the life of him, drink water with meals. I don't know why, but he really can't.
When I'm reading a large block of text or waiting for a video to load on the computer I always highlight everything I can on the screen so the colours are inverted.... It usually has some practical use because the black on white format changes to white on dark blue, which is easier to read imo.