Strange Habits/Idiosyncrasies

There's nothing like just sitting and absorbing a piece of music. I mostly do this with vinyl though, since I don't have the computer distracting me.

I've discovered this from listening to music when I am going to sleep. Though I often fall asleep while the music is going, the utter solitude and darkness enhances the experience nicely.
After reading this thread, I realize I am not as strange as i once thought. Unless of course, all of us here are a bunch of fucked up mutants.
If metal didn't exist, I would just listen to more gothic and electronic/industrial music. It wouldn't actually be as overwhelming a loss as it would seem.
Of course not, if you were never into metal or if it never existed. But as much as I love metal and black metal, I've been more into non-metal bands in the past few months. I don't really know why, I listen to whatever I feel like regardless of the genre but perhaps the disappointing year for metal has turned me away a bit.
I always have incredible urges to play with other people's belongings*. Like if I'm sitting on the bus, and there is a persons back pack sitting next to me, I want to pick it up check out all the pockets, see how tough it is, what it feels like, etc. I'd probably do it more if it were socially acceptable.

*don't fucking change my words.