Strange Habits/Idiosyncrasies


Sometimes when I'm running through the halls dodging people I pretend like I'm an NFL runningback just bursting through the line and then down the field.
I always try to step right at the edge of the cracks on sidewalks, drives me nuts when I can't.

Also at school I pick a floor tile color and will step on nothing but those colored tiles for the day.
I used to do that when I was in my teens, but, just for a few minutes Not the whole day, that's just extreme.:lol:

Sometimes when sitting or lying down I get this fleeting feeling in my gut like I'm falling, as if whatever surface that's under me, has disappeared for a moment. Then I twitch and everything goes back to normal.
I always feel pissed off when I'm not the first person into the dining hall when it opens at 7 every weekday and 10 every weekend. I feel that if I'm not the first in then my day will be a wreck. This is rarely the case, though.
The very first thing I do after I get out of bed is throw on a sweatshirt and bike over to the dining hall every morning, meaning I get up no later than 6:45 on weekdays and 9:45 on weekends.
Every morning when I get back from breakfast I write a new album or song title on the whiteboard on my dorm-room door and leave it there all day without touching it. Most often the same girl writes a reply with something similar to the title. It's mostly black metal album titles or songs that have long names and sound cool.