Strange Habits/Idiosyncrasies

Anyways, if I drink out of an empty cup and I want more, but can't get anymore then I will still act like I'm drinking out of it.

Also, when I go to sleep I put my hands near my crotch.
^I kinda do the same (on both counts, oddly enough)

When I eat ice cream from a cup/bowl I turn the spoon upside down before putting it in my mouth.

I stand awkwardly.

I have a serious foot-tapping problem (gets worse when I'm listening to music with double bass in my head)

When I do something with one side (like tap a finger or click my tongue or something) I have to do it with the other. It's not OCD, but it isn't too far. Fortunately, this has never been a problem for me.
I shake my legs

I tap my feet

I hum a lot

I always rub my nose and the area around it

I eat fast

I walk funny, I think my left leg is longer than my right by about a centimeter, or it could just be my shoes

If I split the corners of my lips I end up opening my mouth every 5 seconds (now I can control and do it in private)

If I lick my lips I have to lick them an even number of times

If for some reason my fingers hit each other I have to hit them together the other way an even number of times.
I can't keep my hands off my hair. I have OCD about how my hair looks for some reason (and no im not egocentric).