Tell Me Everything You Know About Hair Straighteners


Manly Man!
Apr 15, 2007
Cooperstown and Oswego, NY
My birthday is coming up in a few weeks and every year my mom asks me what I want, but I never have a clue. This year though, I'm thinking about it in advance, but I really can't think of anything that I need, but I have been thinking about getting a hair straightener for a while. I'd rather ask my mom for something a bit more expensive though, because I can just get my own hair straightener, or make my female friends do my hair (actually, I'll do that anyway :lol:), but I'd like to know what to look for in a hair straightener anyway, since I've just been letting the womans straighten my hair with their own tools, and I really have no concept of quality assurance in cosmetic products.

Alternatively, use this thread to give me suggestions for birthday gifts to ask my mom for when she starts asking me to tell her what I want, probably around next week. If I ask for something around $60 she'll buy it for me and if I ask for something that's like $120, she'll usually split the cost with me, so please keep any suggestions around that price range, or lower.

My preferred birthday gifts are usually musical equipment, video games and other electronics. Basically, anything that's actually useful in my daily life and stays that way.

I already have:
- Casio LK300 TV Keyboard
- ESP LTD F-50 Guitar
- Spider III 15 W Amp

- digital camera
- external harddrive
- jump drive
- webcam

- Assassin's Creed (PS3)
- GTA IV (PS3)
- Heavenly Sword (PS3)

I am considering:
- hair straightener
- overdrive pedal (or multi-effects pedal)
- your suggestions :)
It really depends on how serious you are about your hair. You can probably pick up a cheap one for like $30 or even spend well over $100 for a high-end one. If the ones that your friends are using work well-enough, then maybe just ask them what kind they are using. I honestly don't think it would matter that much to you, if you're new to using one. The options on a hair straightener really just depend on how picky you are I guess. The most important thing would be choosing one that won't damage your hair - you'd have to use product in your hair to protect it, of course.
Yeah because getting a hair straightener really switches a gene in his body to make him like pen0r. :rolleyes:

Get your straightener if you want BlackMetalWhiteGuy, besides, probably better for presentation in job interviews in the future. No employer likes a grot, and neither do chicks for that matter dude.
If I someone with straightened hair I think of them as more of a grot than those that don't.

Yeah because getting a hair straightener really switches a gene in his body to make him like pen0r.

Ender used willpower alone to start liking pussy.
Straighteners are easy compared.
A hooker and some blow

My parents still owe me a birthday gift. It's going to be a turntable, but I need to get a stereo that has turntable support first.
flat ironed hair, in general, never looks good. sure, your hair will be straighter and longer, but it's a bitch to do. When my hair was at its longest, I had two mexican girls I knew straighten my hair; it took the both of them two hours to straighten my hair.

and then the second it touches water, POOF

you're better off with the hooker and some blow
My birthday is coming up in a few weeks and every year my mom asks me what I want, but I never have a clue. This year though, I'm thinking about it in advance, but I really can't think of anything that I need, but I have been thinking about getting a hair straightener for a while. I'd rather ask my mom for something a bit more expensive though, because I can just get my own hair straightener, or make my female friends do my hair (actually, I'll do that anyway :lol:), but I'd like to know what to look for in a hair straightener anyway, since I've just been letting the womans straighten my hair with their own tools, and I really have no concept of quality assurance in cosmetic products.

Alternatively, use this thread to give me suggestions for birthday gifts to ask my mom for when she starts asking me to tell her what I want, probably around next week. If I ask for something around $60 she'll buy it for me and if I ask for something that's like $120, she'll usually split the cost with me, so please keep any suggestions around that price range, or lower.

My preferred birthday gifts are usually musical equipment, video games and other electronics. Basically, anything that's actually useful in my daily life and stays that way.

I already have:
- Casio LK300 TV Keyboard
- ESP LTD F-50 Guitar
- Spider III 15 W Amp

- digital camera
- external harddrive
- jump drive
- webcam

- Assassin's Creed (PS3)
- GTA IV (PS3)
- Heavenly Sword (PS3)

I am considering:
- hair straightener
- overdrive pedal (or multi-effects pedal)
- your suggestions :)

Hair straighteners, if I recall, damage the hair. Here is what I'd do:

Ask for cash or for your parents to get them, get 3 (or if you can, 4 or 5) silver eagles (1oz. silver coins) at less than $20 ea. at a coin shop, and start accumulating inflation-proof assets.

Silver is going higher, and this is coming from a commodities trader.
Hair straighteners, if I recall, damage the hair. Here is what I'd do:

Ask for cash or for your parents to get them, get 3 (or if you can, 4 or 5) silver eagles (1oz. silver coins) at less than $20 ea. at a coin shop, and start accumulating inflation-proof assets.

Silver is going higher, and this is coming from a commodities trader.

Interesting idea.
Hair straighteners, if I recall, damage the hair. Here is what I'd do:

Ask for cash or for your parents to get them, get 3 (or if you can, 4 or 5) silver eagles (1oz. silver coins) at less than $20 ea. at a coin shop, and start accumulating inflation-proof assets.

Silver is going higher, and this is coming from a commodities trader.

Hooray! Another finance geek on the boards!
Hair straighteners, if I recall, damage the hair. Here is what I'd do:

Ask for cash or for your parents to get them, get 3 (or if you can, 4 or 5) silver eagles (1oz. silver coins) at less than $20 ea. at a coin shop, and start accumulating inflation-proof assets.

Silver is going higher, and this is coming from a commodities trader.

oh cheers bruv i will do
nice one
thanks for the advice dude
Or as another option, you could not be a faggot and don't straighten your hair.
Seem odd that a thing called a straightener allegedly makes you gay?

A weird image popped into my head of you DJing.
Now it's in my head...

Hooray! Another finance geek on the boards!
Now you 2 can have gay sex.

All I know is that girls keep wanting to straighten my hair (while guys keep offering me money to shave my head). I'm more inclined to let the girls have their way. Anyhow, also, the moment it touches water it's gone.