Tell Me Everything You Know About Hair Straighteners

Don't let the girls have their way. Keep your hair the way it is. Letting them straighten your hair will in no way get you laid; and it will make you look gay. Stand up to the bitches.
I feel bad for all you people who have to deal with non-straight hair. Sometimes I imagine if my own linear locks were curly. But then I realize how much I'd look like Dee Snider.
It's not like I'm going to straighten my hair all the time, and whenever I do it, I use a low setting so as not to damage my hair. I enjoy doing it though, because I like it when women play with my hair, and they enjoy playing with my hair because they're women. I don't think having my hair straight or wavy really makes that much of a difference either to women or in a job interview since I always keep my hair clean and well groomed regardless. However, it's a lot easier to brush when it's straight.

Here's a comparison, although my hair isn't quite this long anymore :(



Also, what might you recommend as far as effects pedals? I'm already satisfied with the clean and distortion tones in my Spider III 15 W, but I'd really like some sort of overdrive for solos and leads. What are some recommendations around $100 or less that produce quality tones and are compatible with a Spider III amp?
Seem odd that a thing called a straightener allegedly makes you gay?

Now it's in my head...

Now you 2 can have gay sex.


I see something is on your mind. The temptation to flame is great, but I shall resist.

@BlackMetalWhiteGuy: Do you have any problems with split ends? When using my straightener, I noticed more trouble coming from there esp. tangles, mild discolouration &c, so I stopped.

@Einherjar86: that's how it's done :)

I'd be more inclined to just leave it alone if curly. However I have been advised to cut the ends every 2-3 months. This smells funny, as hair grows at the root, not at the end, what do you think?
I don't know much about straighteners, but I've gotten my hair straightened twice in my life. Took 2 hours if not more to do it, so it's pretty much something you have someone else do if you are both bored.

Anyway, it turned this (a year ago)



into this (two years ago)


I think girls like a more curly hair than a straight hair like that, girls would always come up to me and say 'oooh I love ur lil curls'
@BlackMetalWhiteGuy: Do you have any problems with split ends? When using my straightener, I noticed more trouble coming from there esp. tangles, mild discolouration &c, so I stopped.

I'd be more inclined to just leave it alone if curly. However I have been advised to cut the ends every 2-3 months. This smells funny, as hair grows at the root, not at the end, what do you think?
I've never had split ends, but I don't straighten my hair very often and I always use a low setting. I think I just have very healthy hair though, because the women who play with my hair always ask what products I use to keep my hair in such great condition and they act surprised that I don't do anything other than wash it wish shampoo. I don't even use conditioner, which some people have trouble believing.

As far as trimming it, a few people have told me that it's a good idea to do so every few months to avoid split ends, but since I've never had split ends anyway, I don't bother and my hair doesn't seem to suffer any as a result. With regard to hair growing from the root, I bring this up whenever they imply that clipping it will help it grow faster and then they respond with something like "um..." and that's about as far as the conversation goes. I suspect that this is probably just a myth invented by some parental figure to try to convince their children to practice better hygiene.

The fact that this looks heterosexual to you means I can never prove my point.
You're too far gone.
Haha, oh well :p
Looks fine straight and he'll pull way more chicks anyway.
I don't think having straight hair makes a difference, but the hair straightening process certainly might. A lot of women seem to be attracted to my hair anyway, and I'll be damned if playing with it isn't the most satisfactory experience of their lives (next to actual genetic exchange of those alleles responsible :lol:).