That "Doomsday Machine" sound....

OD820 into Krank Rev1 into Krank cabinet into 57
OD820 into Mesa Racktifier into Mesa cabinet into 57
In the AE gallery, what's sitting on top of those focusrite Reds? (in the rack, 2nd image page iirc).

Really?? I think it sounds a bit odd, a bit too scooped. But it works in good in the mix, i think its the scooped sound that makes the drums breath nicely. And the mix in general suffers from digital harshness although the drums sounds very nice, the snare pop like mad and the toms and OH sounds very big natural and nice
imho still best production ever

This is one album that returns into my CD player almost every week, even 7 years after it's release.

p.s. updated the photos in the first post.

edit. thanks for the move!


I think its generally one of the most balanced Arch Enemy albums between the mix and the music... so damned heavy...

Love it...

This album alone inspired me to record music because of the drums alone...