The Barack Obama review/critique thread

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From the press conference last night:

"Right now, doctors a lot of times are forced to make decisions based on the fee payment schedule that's out there. ... The doctor may look at the reimbursement system and say to himself, 'You know what? I make a lot more money if I take this kid's tonsils out,'" Obama told a prime-time news conference.

This is such an ignorant statement I don't know where to begin. The fact that Obama thinks that doctors would hastily take someone's tonsils out because they want more money rather than diagnosing the correct treatment is just ludicrous
Probably, but it's an infinitesimally small percentage of cases. Most docs won't touch someone's tonsils unless they get infected multiple times.

He also talked about how doctors order the same tests and whatnot. Doctors only do multiple tests because they are afraid of being sued over something that probably couldn't be prevented in the first place
The way this is going the dems are going to get their asses kicked in 2010

Then the republicans will be taken out in 2012. Then the democrats will be taken out in 2014....etc. When is the general public going to wake up and see that no matter which of the two sides you vote in you're going to get the same corrupt outcome?
The US has no idea what "insanely liberal" actually is. Or "insanely conservative" for that matter.
I'm assuming that eventually the US will move more and more towards social democracy because it is the most unsustainable form of government without a severely decreased living standard across the board.


I am waiting to see the riot fires when the fallout from our terribly irresponsible economic policies finally happens, it's hard to hand the masses "freebies" (that were taken from them to start with), when you can't borrow anymore money.
Meh, all that suggests is that your friend is more upper class inclined. Though at least your currency hasn't gone to shit like ours...yet
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