The best metal album of all time!


I thought that the Wintersun album was brilliant, I guess thats just me though. And I agree with HamburgerBoy, its not pure Melodeath at all.

No, it's not, but if I had to put it in a more broad category for rating purposes that's where I would put it. Excuse me for not listing every single sub-category it falls under, in which case it would automatically win for best album of that string of sub-categories.
You're assuming I know WTF you mean. :erk:

ייִדיש און אנדערע סעמיטיק שפראכן זענען לייענען רעכט צו לינקס. דעם זאַץ איז העפלעכקייַט פון Google זעץ.​
MoonTower, when I saw your post in summary form I thought you listed #1 as Moontower 2.

DISAPPOINTMENT. I'm not following anything. I didn't even know about John & It Bites :/

Iorn Maiden may not be up to scratch now but this is awseome stuff, was my first Metal Album about 7-8 years ago.