The Best Progressive Metal Bands

I was being sarcastic, although I admit Walking on H20 is the absolute worst album I have ever heard.

I've never heard it in can't possibly be that bad, can it?

Edit: Just realized, why do so many prog albums have men with bowler hats on the cover?
I've never heard it in can't possibly be that bad, can it?

Edit: Just realized, why do so many prog albums have men with bowler hats on the cover?

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy laughing my ass off to Britney Spears and the Backstreet Boys, but this album is a whole different kind of bad. It sounds like the band had absolutely no goal but to record some songs and get the hell out of the studio. Literally every single song has the same number of measures, there is also intro, verse, bridge, chorus, etc. in EVERY SINGLE SONG! IN THAT ORDER! Everything is expected. There are some catchy melodies in the beginning, but it wears off quickly. The concept album is highly cheesy and doesn't really make sense. The intro is brain numbingly bad. It's some elementary school teacher saying "they say a man has landed on the moon...those bastards!", then there is a countdown and you are just thinking WTF! It's an album you joke about when you say that PROG is boring and unoriginal. This band thought "ok we have 2 weeks to record some songs so get your guitar and just strum some chords and I'll watch the news on tv so I can make some negative remarks on the world's condition. Oh, you already pressed record? Ok, well then...this is where I draw the line....uh...I have made up my mind!...oh hey, that rhymes..."

This album is just so mediocre and bland. That is what makes it so horrible. I think Pink Floyd's The Wall is a horrible album too, except for Dave's guitar solos. Concept albums usually go way wrong.
I tried writing a prog song today and it sucked :( . Maybe I should just copy Circus Maximus like the rest of them! I mean think about it, Dreamscape, Cloudscape, Andromeda, The Mind's Eye, Pagan's Mind, Seventh Wonder, Suspyre, Kamelot...they all sound more or less the same.

You are absolutely out of your F'ing mind, dude....
Just listened to a little of Walking on H2O. The beginning has that Kennedy quote about the exploration of space in it, and the countdown to the shuttle's liftoff. Funny thing is, Sieges Even had both of those clips in a song on their 2007 album, which came out a year after this one. They probably heard this and copied it. It's stupid in both cases, either way. Sieges Even album is still way better though.
I think Pink Floyd's The Wall is a horrible album too, except for Dave's guitar solos. Concept albums usually go way wrong.

Are you the reincarnation of Helen Keller?????!!!

Do you even understand what The Wall is about? If not, PLEASE educate yourself...

Yeah, I know it's about "opinions" but twice in this thread, I'd bet money you were born without functioning ears.....
I smell a troll. There is absolutely no connection between Kamelot, Pagan's Mind and Seventh Wonder, except that they all have one or two decent songs per each album while the rest of it is fillers.

Kamelot I don't consider being a prog band, they are pretty straightforward powermetal. There's not even remote hints of any kind of wankery.

Pagan's Mind is powermetal with slight prog elements. I'm not that familiar with them, but if I remember correctly, some song had an actual key change in it, and they seem to utilize odd-time signatures and time signature changes here and there. But yeah, the wankery has been kept to a minimum.

As for Seventh Wonder, they are definitely prog with wankery-stuffed songs. But they have a pop vocalist, which makes them sound reaaally weird and maybe a bit funny on occasion. Atleast they are unique in that sense.
Are you the reincarnation of Helen Keller?????!!!

Do you even understand what The Wall is about? If not, PLEASE educate yourself...

Yeah, I know it's about "opinions" but twice in this thread, I'd bet money you were born without functioning ears.....

I'll have to agree with you on that one. How can someone dare put down an album as brilliant as The Wall is? That album is like the Holy Graal for concept albums and inspired music in general. I remember when I was very young and listening to Michael Jackson and Madonna, I went through my brother's record collection and found The Wall. The minute I started listening to it, my life changed. I was never the same again. I had found real good music. That album opened so many doors to me...
The Wall has an interesting story but lackluster musical performance. Division Bell is far superior.

Wow, I've always found Division Bell more interesting than most Pink Floyd albums but that doesn't seem to be a very popular opinion among Pink Floyd fans.
Andy Winter is great! I have a big gripe with Winds, though, and that's because of the drummer - Hellhammer is great, but he does not fit that band.


I used to feel the same about his drumming , but after many listens i fell in love with it .He is phenomenal when it comes to the fast extreme transitions (check the 'Last line') and his drumming is really elegant and beautiful when it comes to the calm 'soft' parts ....i changed my mind after listening to the last and first album , so i suggest that you give 'em another listen , who knows , maybe it helps :)
As for Seventh Wonder, they are definitely prog with wankery-stuffed songs. But they have a pop vocalist, which makes them sound reaaally weird and maybe a bit funny on occasion. Atleast they are unique in that sense.

SW are a REALLY good band, superb musicians, and helluva nice bunch of guys.

I'll have to agree with you on that one. How can someone dare put down an album as brilliant as The Wall is? That album is like the Holy Graal for concept albums and inspired music in general. I remember when I was very young and listening to Michael Jackson and Madonna, I went through my brother's record collection and found The Wall. The minute I started listening to it, my life changed. I was never the same again. I had found real good music. That album opened so many doors to me...

See? I'm not angry ALL the time :D

Wow, I've always found Division Bell more interesting than most Pink Floyd albums but that doesn't seem to be a very popular opinion among Pink Floyd fans.

A lot of the original hardcore PF fans weren't real happy with the wall. At least the ones I ave known..... I'm more partial to Animals, but I do love The Wall....

So I guess I'm public enemy number one here? Lol must be an age difference

How come you're the ONLY one to bring up age? Really, you act like you're 12 years old on here sometimes...... You're not public enemy #1, you'll know when that happens....:heh: