Death Metal finnishes with L and so does Morbid AngeL, and as we all know L is the most important letter of the alphabet so the rest of the alphabet together is not match for the L alone.
I recently got into Demolition Hammer, band from the 90's, not around anymore. I bought the album "Time Bomb", but it wasn't that great. "Tortured Existence" however, is an awesome album, I recommend you guys check it out.

^Gonna see Morbid Angel, Marduk, Arsis, Kataklysm and one other band in December...Man...that show will fucking pwn.

Nice. I saw Morbid Angel not too long ago and they were amazing.
Man, to be honest, I like death metal but only in small amounts and the people who ONLY listen to death metal usually (not always) are the biggest fucking faggots (at least here anyways), almost as bad as the thrash metal kiddies.
Man, to be honest, I like death metal but only in small amounts and the people who ONLY listen to death metal usually (not always) are the biggest fucking faggots (at least here anyways), almost as bad as the thrash metal kiddies.

Yea I know what you mean. A lot of them act like cunts at gigs...I just ignore that kind of people and live my life :p
This goes for every people who like only 1 kind of music or genre.

Well, each genre has the fanatics who have their own stereotype, but the worst, most ignorant ones are thrash/death metal I think... I mean power metal/prog fans are pretentious as fuck but at least they don't think kicking each other in the face is fun and scream in random people's face while waiting in line.
Well, each genre has the fanatics who have their own stereotype, but the worst, most ignorant ones are thrash/death metal I think... I mean power metal/prog fans are pretentious as fuck but at least they don't think kicking each other in the face is fun and scream in random people's face while waiting in line.

black metal and nu metal fans are pretty dumb,too.