The hockey thread

Speaking of Don Cherry, my comfort if Boston wins is that the cup will still be won by a European captain in Chara. First it was "can't win the cup with a European captain", then when Lidström won it it was "the exception to prove the rule". What is the excuse going to be this time? People like Don Cherry just keep backing up like that.
If Boston's the Boston Bruins so it will be overruled because regardless of who's on their team, they will always inherently be a gritty, tough team that plays hockey the Canadian way. And he'll say Vancouver lost because they had too many Swedes, who are all softies right? :lol:

I really haven't paid attention to him in a long time but I'm sure he'll be heartbroken when Vancouver wins. He'll be choked and rather than admit that "Bruins hockey" wasn't particularly effective in this series, he'll just say Vancouver was the faster team or something like that, or that Canadians wanted the Cup more as if that translates into a better on-ice performance by a Canadian-based team.

All this being said, I actually do like Don Cherry despite disagreeing with him on many points. He put out some excellent hockey tapes in the mid-90s. :cool:
^ :lol: probably

It all comes down to goaltending for both teams. I think Vancouver's offense will be too much to handle for Boston, I mean they've got 4 solid lines that can score. And with Malhotra coming back who had the 2nd best faceoff % during the season before he go hurt. Will definitely help them big time.
Way to go Bruins and your epic fail of a PP. Kicked away and wasted Thomas's best performance to date...a game they could've stole. That easily should have been atleast a 3-0 Vancouver win. Oh well.
The game was extremely boring to watch. I'd rather see some bad defence and have the game go 6-5 or something.

On another note

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The game was kinda strange and sloppy at times. And I think the Refs kinda got in the way of this one a bit as well. They will eventually let the boys play...let things open up. The way these goalies are playing, think we are looking at low scoring games either way...wich I really don't mind.

I mean game-7 Boston v Tampa was 1-0. But extremely well played...tons of of the best games ever seen!
God damn I hate vancouver

Burrows should not have even been in the game in the first place...nevermind score the GW goal. He should have of course been suspended for biting Bergeron the previous game. Then to see that half a sissy homo Laperier during a later scrum taunt Bergeron by repeatedly sticking his glove finger near Bergerons mouth. Classless, embarassing for the NHL and its true fans.

I'm hating the Canucks more and more. Kind of like my other Canadian fave...the gutless Habs!
Burrows should not have even been in the game in the first place...nevermind score the GW goal. He should have of course been suspended for biting Bergeron the previous game. Then to see that half a sissy homo Laperier during a later scrum taunt Bergeron by repeatedly sticking his glove finger near Bergerons mouth. Classless, embarassing for the NHL and its true fans.

I'm hating the Canucks more and more. Kind of like my other Canadian fave...the gutless Habs!

If you think they look at suspensions the same way they do in the regular season, your sadly mistaken. a 1 game suspension in the Stanley Cup finals is like a 5 game suspension in the regular season. Besides...It's not like he lost a fucking finger...

And get over it, you want to blame someone...blame Andrew Ference for both of Burrows' goal.
If you think they look at suspensions the same way they do in the regular season, your sadly mistaken. a 1 game suspension in the Stanley Cup finals is like a 5 game suspension in the regular season. Besides...It's not like he lost a fucking finger...

And get over it, you want to blame someone...blame Andrew Ference for both of Burrows' goal.

I'm sure I know how playoff Hockey is officiated and the difference of it. I've forgotten more playoff series / games than you'll ever know of.
Well this kind of tainted the potential cup win for the Canucks. Just awful.

I think it's now a given that Vancouver, for every few games they play excellent in, is going to have an absolutely terrible game. Luongo is going to continue to shit the bed every once in a while as he still hasn't found a solution for his flaming diarrhea.
Horton is out for the remainder (no surprise)...and Rome received a 4- game suspension. I think they kinda made up for maybe failing on the Burrows non-suspension...who knows? Horton will be missed...the Bruins are already at a disadvantage in offense (lastnite with-standing). However, the antics of Burrows and Laperier early on and now the hit on Horton has clearly pissed off the Bruins. And if Thomas keeps playing out of his mind...these things may be enough to will them to victory. Vancouver is just so completely well-rounded as a team. And they have definitely opened my eyes with thier own brand of physical toughness.