The Jackson Appreciation Thread!

Damn i love all of your jacksons.. Me want's a Jackson RR too!! :yell:
Oh well.. Maybe someday... I have a really difficult decision to make.. Should i buy esp (rr model too) or Jackson rr10? RR10 has only 22 frets... but it's jackson.. Esp has 24 frets.. but its Esp.. damn..
Decadetroll said:
Damn i love all of your jacksons.. Me want's a Jackson RR too!! :yell:
Oh well.. Maybe someday... I have a really difficult decision to make.. Should i buy esp (rr model too) or Jackson rr10? RR10 has only 22 frets... but it's jackson.. Esp has 24 frets.. but its Esp.. damn..

First of all man, all jackson RR's have 22frets....

and the ESP're jsut trying to be alexi... if you're buying an RR, buy jackson or snothing at all... Or buy a fucking BC rich!!!


Stef(Emp.Malignus): Brand is important purely cause ya dont wanna go to a band rehersal and say "HEY GUYS! CHECK MY BITCHING NEW GUITAR!" and open the case and pull out a Kramer....... that'd suck. :lol:
personally i think 22/24 frets issue is a small least it wont bother me much
try both of them..they are quite different, and simply get the one you like more! yea, and ignore about the brand.
here we go, Dinky with EMG's (SA-SA-81)




thanks to bobvex :D
No, i'm not trying to be Alexi... i just think that those RR shaped guitars are sexy.
I'll get a hardon if i see one.. :lol:
all jacksons have 22 frets? wtf? I found Jackson RR _WITH_ 24 frets on a guitar shop..
Well, doesn't really matter, does it..
Decadetroll said:
all jacksons have 22 frets? wtf? I found Jackson RR _WITH_ 24 frets on a guitar shop..
Well, doesn't really matter, does it..

Yeah, the JS string thru series... MAde in India with dot inlays...

No-oone counts that as an RR cause it is in actual fact a bigger piece of shit than all the metallica CDs in the world :D:D

It playd decent for the 2mins i played one but then becams esucky and is NOTHIng compared to a Japanese/USA jackson.
Decadetroll said:
oh.. that explains it. still, it was fucking expensive! about 1500 euros!



They are $450 in america... which is about 500eur... LOL!!!

Dude, that store sucks dick.
well, i think it's good store... but that one guitar was a "bit" expensive..
well, anyway... I'll got to try that RR10.. it feels so damn good at hand. I'll hope it sounds as great as it feels and looks.
I have an Rx10D and its a top quality guitar. i really like it.

And dude, any store that charges a grand and a half for a Below bottom of the line jackson made in india.... sucks