the lovely people on this board

Originally posted by Melancholia

same here :) for me it's a waste of money and time,since i look same shit with and without make up :grin:
and well when i'm out of home,i'm away for many hours,can't imagine me carrying little mirrors and correcting my make-up blah blah :bah: not for me...

Once I had a job I had to use make up...
When I quit that job, I felt kinda free...

And like you, I don't really like to carry a little mirror and all the shit you need to refresh the make up...
Very rar you see me with eye make up, but that's almost all I use.
Originally posted by The Nomad
And Mel: Maybe it doesn't make a difference for you, but I've seen many pretty ladies ruined by makeup. I've also seen the reverse, to be fair, but not as often.

Me too, if I look at those female at my work, they can't walk around without make up, when you see them without, duhhhhhhh... erm... they look so much older and used, basicly because their skin could not breath under the make up!!!
Some of them are younger then me...
i don't use make-up either, it doesn't look good on me, actually it makes me look like a hooker :lol:

btw, @Morgana: you look really good in that stylish pic :p
@Morgana: with or without make-up; you look beautiful!

I usually wear make-up, but not too much. Not so that I have to freshen it up during the day; it's just in the morning. And, of course, I take care of my skin: I don't use make-up that don't breath. But what kind of make-up I wear/how much depends on my mood and what I'm going to do, pluss what kind of clothes I'll wear.

Anyways, as I see it, make-up is not supposed to change a person, it's supposed to draw attention to the better parts of the face... -For normal days-make-up, that is. There's so many different kinds of make-up. Even the vikings used make-up (just to state that); blush and eye-make-up! And you can make it an art... Create different expressions and feelings... Make-up doesn't need to be vain! It's just like clothes; it can tell a lot about a person.

Aah! :bah: Here I go again. I always seem to do this. If someone tells me "white", I'll respond "black". And now I can sense the tendency here, to. Sorry... You just overlook this post.
I don't use make up neither... (ehem)

@morgana, you look's strange how ppl can imagine other ppl much different from how they really are!!!!
@ fv, Fjelltussa & astarte

thank you *blush* :)

About make up, I don't mind if someone likes to use make up...
for a while I had to for my old job, but then it was well done and not overload at all.

Those girls at my work are well overdosed on make up, I wonder how men can kiss such women, where you need a scraper to get the make up off... :lol:
Originally posted by FatherVic
I don't use make up neither... (ehem)

Not??? Erm... Fleischwolf use some now and then.... :lol:

Originally posted by FatherVic
@morgana, you look's strange how ppl can imagine other ppl much different from how they really are!!!!

Well I use to colour my hair darkish, mainly I used a dark red, but naturally I have midblond hair... with nature curles :)

Changing hair colours can make a person look complete different...
well I just can't stand blackmetalers make up....find it a bit ridiculous! specially when there's blood somewhere....

as for hair....I've never dyed my's brownish and straight...too straight!!!! grgrgrrrrrrrrrrr
and about make up on women, depending on the age....young ones better without them....old ladies better mom without make up scares the ugliest monsters!!!! :p
Ohm, so interesting, talkin' about the look of your mother, Melon? I can tell it to her and she never will cook for you anymore, and the coke could disappear from your fridge!!!

And yep, I think that midblonde hair with chupi curles it's better than the darkish one, though. I find the blackmetal look ridiculous too, but obviusly it's your taste.

|ngenius (just giving an opinion, but if you're disagree, just die :grin: )
Originally posted by FatherVic
well I just can't stand blackmetalers make up....find it a bit ridiculous! specially when there's blood somewhere....

AAHH! i'm gonna get you for that!:lol: ;) :) :D

actually, i never leave the house without my blackmetal facepaint!
i have the whole immortal skincare collection and i use abbaths' makeup remove liquid in the evening!:tickled: :goggly:
I do the same Fleishcwolf....the fact that I hate it, doesn't mean I don't make up myself ;)

and yeah, I love you all....quality before quantity my friends ;D
(even I can't say that from my posts :rolleyes: )

fathervic (qualitative quantity)
im sorry to misinform you, but while this board is great, the IN FLAMES board is the most intelligent and kind board in all of UM, they have a 2000 post thread about the "Big bang theory" discussing theorums and everything.........


*puts the type and switches play*

"exactly hehe, its full of flamers, pointless threads, newbies, ugh, I hate the place, I still post there out of love for the band, but its very minimal......"

is that your voice son???? Of course it is!!! *cough cough*
yeah, now we know InFlames board gets all your respect, even having that bigbanged thread ;)

fathervic (evil)