the lovely people on this board

damnit vic you found me out...........if only what i said in this thread was total BS fabricated by myself! :lol: I really wish the IF forum hadnt moved to UM, only brough terrible terrible results........

YOU ARE ALL LOVELY! (better mel? ;) )
well after stoping the type I was about to say "I love you all" but that would have ruined the whole speech....

fathervic (sending kisses to you all)
TATA! Fleischwolf is entering the scene again!:D
oh it'S so good to read that you've missed me! i missed you too! well actually, i've allways been around, but only for a short time, because i really had to work hard on a projekt for my studies!:bah:
but now everything is finnished and i'll post my usuall bla bla:D
soooooooooo watch out for me!:cool: