The Most Universally Respected Bands (among metalheads)

I would not say that DiAnno was a better vocalist than Dickenson, but I will say that DiAnno era Maiden > Bruce era Maiden. On the one hand I hate to say it because it tends to imply that I think early Bruce era was somehow an inferior product, but it is clearly not. On the other hand I love to say it because Maiden n00bs who hear the first two album often only hear a lack of Bruce Dickenson, and that makes me mad. Mad and angry. Angry and bitter. Bitter and moribund. Depressed and unlively.

Yeah, I suppose I should have said that instead of Di'Anno > Dickinson.
Metal is the fucking shit I like Pantera, Black Label Society, Walls Of Jericho,Black Sabbatha, Mega Death, Godsmack, Disturbed, Rammstein, System of A Down, and Rage Against The Machine. And Others out there if any dosen't like that then they can kiss Me Arse.

Mega Death?

So many of those bands are the "metal" that the industry is feeding the masses. All the stuff the "kids" get into and think they are rebelling against the musical norm. You can't be blamed for only hearing them, I suppose. And taste is taste. But to me that list reeks of putrefaction, except for Sabbath, Megadeth, and the talented SoaD.
Look bro I also listen other bands as well those were the ones I can think of at the top of my head Slipknot, Otep, Cannibol Corpse and others as well I also listen to classic rock But Im mainly into Nu Metal and Alternative you know.
yea yu guys are mainly into hard core metal arrn't you thats ok at least you can respect my perspective in music if that right? I'll respect the metal that you listen to thats cool.
It's actually a well-established fact. The closest Maiden came to matching the first two was Piece Of Mind though. The first 7 are all phantastic, but the first two are irreplaceable.