Erik said:
oh right so BLATANTLY COPYING 1988-1992 sunlight deathmetal makes an alright band but playing plain old heavy metal like it sounded in the 1980's is "pointless"
1. Dan Swano was involved with the scene when it happened(edge of sanity). He has produced tons of early 90's metal albums from sacramentum to dissection. He's oldschool, not some random person in 2005 that's replicating sunlight death metal. It's different because he's established. He also knows more about playing the style than any other new death metal bands right now that might attempt the same thing.
2. Blakkheim is from katatonia and diabolical masquerade. He has worked with mikael,swano,etc...
3. Mikael(opeth), Peter(hypocrisy)
all these people are big names and relate somehow.
These people have been around for along time and are established. That's why a big label like century media will put out bloodbath cds. In death metal bloodbath is going to sell more than other death metal on labels no one cares about. Do you think if some random people no on knows about sent a solid oldshool sunlight style demo to century media in 2000 the label would care ?. I strongly doubt it.
Being established and already beeing part of scenes makes it more important than random people in the now trying to sound like bands 15 years before. It gives you more label options for playing something redundant. These people are oldschool but realize some progression is needed because you can't just sound dated always if you want to get somewhere.
If opeth did a cover album of death metal and 80's classics RR would put it out like that... because it's opeth. If random people sent a demo of covers to RR they would not care. If I had an oldschool band no one would give a shit.... maybe some shit label that is going to rip me off. You know how many DM cds came out when the first bloodbath came out.... I did not bother checking them out because I like death metal albums from the 80's and early 90's. If I saw a bloodbath cd that said band members from diabolical masquerade,edge of sanity,opeth I would buy it.... because I trust these people in music more than someone else that also loves death metal. Do you think century media would put out the new Grave if the band did not exist prior or generate hype ?. The band would be stuck in a shitty underground DM label. Death Metal is not a demanding style right now.
Carcassian said:
1) No.
2) Yes.
3) The point is, that if I like a band, their music becomes somewhat timeless to me. If another band takes references from a previous band but continues along similar themes, then yeah, I'll take it in a heartbeat. I'd rather listen to something "old fashioned" than listen to whatever the prevailing trends would have me believe is worthwhile (i.e. Opeth).
You could argue that Slough Feg, with their maiden/lizzy combo sound or Impaled with their Necroticism fixation sound a lot like their forebears - but hey, I can live with that, because I enjoy their styles. I don't need the "next new thing" to energise my taste in metal, as usually, the next new thing becomes yet another passing fad that I don't enjoy (q.v. Industrial, Cyber, Electro etc etc etc - that shit dates really quickly). The man who constantly seeks for the next big innovation in metal is like the man who goes to fucking Alaska for a holiday because nobody has done that before.
That's cool but someone like me is only going to listen to the older bands unless there is something significant about a band sounding like a band or bands 15 years before. I'd rather listen to a different sounding new band than say a new band that trys sounding like morbid angel,etc.. unless there is a catch. Like say richard brunelle EX morbid angel teeming up with some other oldschoolers playing music in the same vain. I'd rather listen to that than some fanboys ripping off the band or bands. that's just me
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Agreed, fuck Bloodbath, listen to Grave and Carnage and Dismember! Fuck the rest...
I would normally agree. Knowing who is in the band has made it a tad different to say other bands trying to replicate.
and yeah grave,carnage,dismember,entombed,unleashed,edge of sanity,god macabre are great. I do think since Dan Swano was involved in the scene that gives bloodbath more credibility than random people paying tribute. Bloodbath does sound like Edge of Sanity 'unorthodox', not just entombed. Anders harmonies are very anders. It's a tribute to oldschool but I think it's a little more than just that.