the next album..

Yeah, the Morbid Angel thing sounds like one possibility. Right now they're at a more raw, hardcorish sounding level so the next album might push it to death metal cuz of the heaviness. But if that's to happen, i can't imagine what the guitars will sound like. Maybe Alexi might want to do solos like God Dethroned and Impaled?
I dunno man, they're killing me with this wait that's for sure.

I think I'm imagining something too good to come out, maybe this time I'll go with the attitude "it's gonna suck" and then I'll be surprised when I hear it.

I expected AYDY to be perfect in all possible ways. Then when I heard it, first song, pretty nice, cool, strong.. not just as great as I expected (altough the song blew me away when I had heard it 3 times), song nr. 2 was also what I expected but not just as great.. song 3 was a disappointment.. song 4 was a disappointment.. and songs 6, 7 and 9 sounded the same to me and I thought they were shit.

There's no way this new album can be worse. It's got the best sound (same as AYDY) but they'll definitely improve the guitars and keys, and now they have all their time to think about the songs, and not receiving phone calls every day with their management yelling Make the fucking songs ready!!
errmm no? i think you are the "brainless bunt" that thinks callin someone a fanboi will offend them :S you need to get a life

Calling AYDY crappy, though, will. I see.


KnuckleDuster was an ok-ish song but i don't really like songs like that or TL&S. We need more songs like AYDY, We're Not Gonna Fall, and Next In LIne except more fun.

Look at your freaking nickname. That's just sad. Anyway all those songs, except We're Not Gonna Fall, which heavens know why I like, SUCK. I mean, they don't just suck, they FUCKING SUCK ASS and it was depressing to listen to COB coming up with shit like Next In Line.

I dunno man, they're killing me with this wait that's for sure.

I think I'm imagining something too good to come out, maybe this time I'll go with the attitude "it's gonna suck" and then I'll be surprised when I hear it.

I expected AYDY to be perfect in all possible ways. Then when I heard it, first song, pretty nice, cool, strong.. not just as great as I expected (altough the song blew me away when I had heard it 3 times), song nr. 2 was also what I expected but not just as great.. song 3 was a disappointment.. song 4 was a disappointment.. and songs 6, 7 and 9 sounded the same to me and I thought they were shit.

There's no way this new album can be worse. It's got the best sound (same as AYDY) but they'll definitely improve the guitars and keys, and now they have all their time to think about the songs, and not receiving phone calls every day with their management yelling Make the fucking songs ready!!

Yeah, my only hope is that AYDY was SO BAD that the new album just can't be any worse. I agree. I also agree with some person who said a Hatebreeder 2 would be cool. Yeah it would. In the beginning, COB had an aura of mystery around them. They were angry, they were genuine and their songs carried a lot of personality.

When I listened AYDY, I realized the magic was gone. They once were the children that died at lake Bodom and were back to get their revenge. Warheart, Downfall... SNBN. But now they wanted to be asshole boozeheads. And their music reflected this change of attitude.

Look at Mr. Alice Cooper. He's been through a lot of styles, but he never ceased to be Alice, the lovable villain. His magic was always there. His whole career story is magic. COB threw that away with AYDY. In most of the songs in AYDY, they sound like another heavy metal band. Just that.

Anyway, maybe those albums were just a phase, and their lives now are much different, and that's all. They're something else. I'll still wait for their next album and hope, though.
Look at your freaking nickname. That's just sad. Anyway all those songs, except We're Not Gonna Fall, which heavens know why I like, SUCK. I mean, they don't just suck, they FUCKING SUCK ASS and it was depressing to listen to COB coming up with shit like Next In Line.

Agreed. AYDY brought nothing worth remembrance but a nice melody in the opening song, and a wicked title song. Punch Me I Bleed works only live and they won't play it.

Yeah, my only hope is that AYDY was SO BAD that the new album just can't be any worse. I agree. I also agree with some person who said a Hatebreeder 2 would be cool. Yeah it would. In the beginning, COB had an aura of mystery around them. They were angry, they were genuine and their songs carried a lot of personality.

When I listened AYDY, I realized the magic was gone. They once were the children that died at lake Bodom and were back to get their revenge. Warheart, Downfall... SNBN. But now they wanted to be asshole boozeheads. And their music reflected this change of attitude.

Yes. They need to connect that old mystic aura with the new powerful sound and that'll be it. Something a´la Inearthed.
AYDY wasn't their best album by far,thats something we all agree I think,but it isn't that the whole album sucks.IYWP...PFW is a good song,as so are TL&S and We're Not Gonna Fall,and LDB is ok to open the gigs(if not,it would arrive the day when we'd get sick of Sixpounder first chords introducing COB,wouldn't you?).Anyway,there's no need to say another time that AYDY wasn't what we expected,it's been said 29783672465761235 times.Better sit,await for the new album and give other arguments.
AYDY wasn't their best album by far,thats something we all agree I think,but it isn't that the whole album sucks.IYWP...PFW is a good song,as so are TL&S and We're Not Gonna Fall,and LDB is ok to open the gigs(if not,it would arrive the day when we'd get sick of Sixpounder first chords introducing COB,wouldn't you?).Anyway,there's no need to say another time that AYDY wasn't what we expected,it's been said 29783672465761235 times.Better sit,await for the new album and give other arguments.

I'd like to make it clear that I think Living Dead Beat, TL&S, In Your Face and We're not Gonna Fall are good songs. But it's 4 out of 9, and that's very bad for COB, in my humble opinion.
I dunno man, they're killing me with this wait that's for sure.

I think I'm imagining something too good to come out, maybe this time I'll go with the attitude "it's gonna suck" and then I'll be surprised when I hear it.

I expected AYDY to be perfect in all possible ways. Then when I heard it, first song, pretty nice, cool, strong.. not just as great as I expected (altough the song blew me away when I had heard it 3 times), song nr. 2 was also what I expected but not just as great.. song 3 was a disappointment.. song 4 was a disappointment.. and songs 6, 7 and 9 sounded the same to me and I thought they were shit.

There's no way this new album can be worse. It's got the best sound (same as AYDY) but they'll definitely improve the guitars and keys, and now they have all their time to think about the songs, and not receiving phone calls every day with their management yelling Make the fucking songs ready!!

LOL. That will alwayz work. It seems like the opposite of what you expect will alwayz happen. If you keep wishing it to be good, it's might be bad. If you just keep your expectations low and wait, then it'll blow you away maybe. That doesn't work only for this, but for everything else.

At first, i didn't even know what to expect with AYDY. When i heard HCDR, i thought it wasn't that great. I mean all the instruments were crystal clear and really strong but the songs weren't my cup of tea. Songs like Lil' bloodred ridin hood, Triple Corpse Hammberblow, and Bodom Beach Terror weren't that great. When i heard AYDY, all the songs were really catchy and fun. Not until you listened to it for a long time, then it became boring. The new album will have a combination of both of it, and it will surpass both albums.
In most of the songs in AYDY, they sound like another heavy metal band. Just that.

Anyway, maybe those albums were just a phase, and their lives now are much different, and that's all. They're something else. I'll still wait for their next album and hope, though.

OMFG, i never thought about it that way. Damn, that is true. No wonder new fans that havne't listened to COB's older stuff think Alexi's guitaring isn't anything special and think other bands are better. tsk...tsk...tsk...
I hope Allu changes his tone of singing? I hope either more death metallish or with that strong american accent.. his current singing is pissing me off..
OMFG, i never thought about it that way. Damn, that is true. No wonder new fans that havne't listened to COB's older stuff think Alexi's guitaring isn't anything special and think other bands are better. tsk...tsk...tsk...

Feeble attempt at sarcasm when what you say isn't true. As far as I know, their new fans actually enjoy their new style, even though it's much simpler and, in my humble opinion, pretty much souless. Not a question of quality of the musician, but of taste for a style. There's a lot of people out there that listened to Metallica's St. Anger and thought it was pretty cool too. And in terms of style, they have lost a lot of the elements that made them unique in the past, and brought them to fame.

Also, your nickname. I know, ad hominem, but damn.
^You're talking sense there. I hope Bodom does indeed get back to the Inearthed style (sort of), that would be THE fucking idea now. There's soul, there's strength and beautiful parts.
^You're talking sense there. I hope Bodom does indeed get back to the Inearthed style (sort of), that would be THE fucking idea now. There's soul, there's strength and beautiful parts.

Yeah, you and me too, buddy. You know what makes me shiver? To see System of a Down as one of Allu's favourite bands and Slipknot's whatever as one of his favourite albums of the 21st century. What else is there? Nine Inch Nails, Suicidal Tendencies...

Yea.. I hope this new album will bring bodom back to life.. but there's bigger chance it'll be shit like Slayer or something.. They can't afford doing metalcore, we need something that's unique. More keys that's for sure.

And about System of a Down I have to say I think it's just a joke, but I heard this one song with a chorus that has some magnificent bass / drum / guitar assault.. I hope Alexi gets influences from that, and nothing else..
They can't afford doing metalcore

Nor getting influences from it.

Jack Black's band Tenacious D wrote, wisely, about heavy metal in their song "The Metal":

You can't kill the metal
The metal will live on
Punk-Rock tried to kill the metal
But they failed, as they were smite to the ground
New-wave tried to kill the metal
But they failed, as they were striken down to the ground
Grunge tried to kill the metal Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha
They failed, as they were thrown to the ground

But I think he forgot to add "metalcore" to the list. :cry:
But I think he forgot to add "metalcore" to the list. :cry:

+ 1
Playing metalcore would be the worst thing COB could ever do. There's already tons of bands playing that style and they already all sound the same (and sound like shit! But that my opinion ...). Hopefully I don't think it's gonna happen. The next album might not be something à la Inearthed (:erk:) but I doubt it will be metalcore, that would be suicide.
Järven Tyttö;6189167 said:
and sound like shit! But that my opinion

You're not alone.

The next album might not be something à la Inearthed (:erk:) but I doubt it will be metalcore, that would be suicide.

Yeah, not metalcore, but "metalcorish" maybe? I mean, the influences they used to compose AYDY? are... not good imho. No more whining, please, let's bring back the balls to metal. Thank you.
I hope Allu changes his tone of singing? I hope either more death metallish or with that strong american accent.. his current singing is pissing me off..

really? thats strange, i actually like this new singing because it doesnt sound as heavy and you can hear what he's saying a little bit :rock:
He's style has changed as often as they've made a new album. But it's clear that during the American tours he uses a powerful tone with american accent, because it attracts them more than the girly death metal style. I actually love that (american) style, it works very well for songs like Sixpounder and Angels Don't Kill. But I most love the voice he uses in Tokyo Warhearts, especially during Silent Night, Bodom Night.. it's just magic. But I don't like the low growling that appears in some of Hatebreeder songs. And during Follow the Reaper tours he used a very cool and more clear voice he had definitely made effort on. This new AYDY sound is just.. bizarre, he screams like an insulted dog or someething..

I hope they surprise us with the singing in the next album.