the next album..

Every band does have flaws including Bodom but i really can't believe how anyone can HATE them. Disliking is one thing, but hating? They're like one of the best bands i'v ever heard and they have every element in their music to make them true metal and non-boring.

And i do not get offended everytime i hear someone say Bodom sux. It's their opinion. I only get mad when they say really stupid shit abuot them.

Well said, Leena. :)
I don't know about you but Bodom has some songs I don't particularly mind listening to. You're saying they can't improve?
They'll definetly improve.....BIG TIME! AYDY was a newer style so they'll take that to the next level. I'm hopeing mostly every song on the new album will be great.
If it at the least has a HCDR style then I will like it. But if It goes back to an FtR style then I will love it.

And don't even ask my what my reaction would be to another AYDY :erk:
^Oh, no one would want to see that. I like AYDY but another one with only a little improvision isn't good enough. I'm thinking they'll have the HCDR sound with AYDY choruses that are much stronger. And if they go to FTR sound, that will really blow everyone away and we won't have any complainers.
I think all the songs will be great, like all the other albums:Smug:

^^Thats right!

Im wondering why people dont like AYDY? Its a great album, there are some ass-kicking songs. It sounds little different than the others, but that is the meaning, right? I think its great that CoB tries different things. I bet every one knows some bands whose all the albums sounds almost the same. But all the CoB albums sounds a bit different and thats great. One of the reasons why I dont get sick of them :)

Ok, sorry, most of this message is just shit but I hope you get what Im trying to say here :)
Well there's a lot to improve in the sound of AYDY in terms of making it juicy, there are a lot of boring choruses.. I'm guessing the new material will be like heavy FtR.. It'll definitely be the most brutal. I hope it would be very musical too! That would surprise me in fact.
All I care about is fucking Sinergy. I cannot believe Alexi recorded a Kylahullut album instead when he could just finish the already long delayed Sins Of The Past. When the fuck are they going to give us a real update?!
^^Thats right!

Im wondering why people dont like AYDY? Its a great album, there are some ass-kicking songs. It sounds little different than the others, but that is the meaning, right? I think its great that CoB tries different things. I bet every one knows some bands whose all the albums sounds almost the same. But all the CoB albums sounds a bit different and thats great. One of the reasons why I dont get sick of them :)

Ok, sorry, most of this message is just shit but I hope you get what Im trying to say here :)

It was a mallcore album.
I someone asks me if shit stinks, I will say yes. I will do that today, in a year or in 10 years. I bet that someone who enjoys eating shit would accuse me of bitching about it, though.

I still dig some pretty fucking gay ass music like Cyndi Lauper for example. I mean, I actually have "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" in my iPod............ I have Andrew WK, George Clinton and freaking Jaco Pastorius in my iPod.


Your opinion is fail :D
You know I felt I was the only one who thought AYDY was cool. But later on now I've also started appreciating the musical excellence contained in much of their earlier work. AYDY is cool because it's so heavy and all that, but many of the songs are just not Bodom.
You know I felt I was the only one who thought AYDY was cool. But later on now I've also started appreciating the musical excellence contained in much of their earlier work. AYDY is cool because it's so heavy and all that, but many of the songs are just not Bodom.

I always loved AYDY. Are You Dead Yet was one of my fav Bodom songs when it came out. Same with In Your Face. All those songs I really enjoyed, except track 4 :p But I never heard a person bitch about AYDY until I came to this forum.