The nicest thing that's happened to you lately

I saw Brave last night. What a fantastic show! It wasn't to start until 11pm, but I thought traffic would be worse than it was, so I got there 2.5 hours early. It was a 100 mile drive, so that took a bit of time. When they came in, everybody in the band remembered me from the last time they played in Chicago... I was one of the few at that show that was really rocking with them. And the same was pretty much true at this show. The pub was set up so that the stage faces the table, so everybody just sat at the tables... But I can't do that, so I was off to the side singing along and bangin' my head (although most of their stuff isn't the heaviest). And I took a lot of pics (only 1 of me though).

The original opening band, a classic heavy metal band, canceled, so another band played instead. That was porno-punk. Surprisingly it was funny as hell and not bad at all... Their name leaves something to be desired though... "Urinal Cakes"

The show ended around 12:45am, which is when I left South Bend, IN... for the 1.5 hour drive home.
So I'm exhausted today.
Originally posted by Fjelltussa
Driving in the winter sounds scary!!! :eek: Especially after the theory lesson when we learned about how long it takes before you can manage to stop in different speeds....... I don't ever wanna drive now!! :eek:

But thats the funniest part... when you drive fast on icy roads :) Not to fast though :p
I'm catsitting an adorable kitten. He's gonna stay with me for the weekend.
Oh, and the bf told me he wanted to grow old with me,
is more than I ever dared to hope for. It's not like we're gonna run of to
get married, but it meant a lot to me to hear it since I've been a bit worried
about how long I will have him around.

[Edit: For those who missed out on my mushy posts earlier, it belongs
to the story that he is severly depressed and somewhat suicidal.]
Originally posted by MeaCulpa
Oh, and the bf told me he wanted to grow old with me,
is more than I ever dared to hope for. It's not like we're gonna run of to
get married, but it meant a lot to me to hear it since I've been a bit worried
about how long I will have him around.

Isn't it great knowing you have this one person,
who you love, and who loves you... And just
know that he wants to be with you, and knowing
he's there for you!? I like this safe and comforting
feeling :eek:) It's so simple, yet so complicated.

My father called today, and it was nice hearing his
voice and getting to know how his vacation had
been :eek:) Gawd, I love my father! :eek:) He's the
coolest dad ever(unless you live with him)! Hehe >:eek:)))
The Garmarna concert was awesome! I had a blast. I was kinda worried about going alone... I've done it before to many concerts (hell, just last night at the Brave concert I went by my lonesome), but when it's so close, It'd be nice to have at least A friend with.

But that didn't matter. Stefan was rocking like a mad man whether he ws playing the violin or the hurdy-gurdy. And I've never seen a hurdy-gurdy before, much less an ELECTRIC hurdy-gurdy. And with the guitar pedals, he was able to make some interesting sounds come out of that contraption.
Originally posted by MeaCulpa
I'm catsitting an adorable kitten. He's gonna stay with me for the weekend.
Oh, and the bf told me he wanted to grow old with me,
is more than I ever dared to hope for. It's not like we're gonna run of to
get married, but it meant a lot to me to hear it since I've been a bit worried
about how long I will have him around.

[Edit: For those who missed out on my mushy posts earlier, it belongs
to the story that he is severly depressed and somewhat suicidal.]

That's simply great, very sweet :) and also the kitten thing is nice!

DWD: yeah i know that song!
Originally posted by Brute
But thats the funniest part... when you drive fast on icy roads :) Not to fast though :p

With that stopping part I meant if you happened to crash,of course :p What if there suddenly came a moose out of the forest on the side of the road??? You wouldn't see it until it had shattered your front window!!! That is the one thing I fear the most about driving........
Yesterday evening i went to a village where i lived until some years ago and met some old old classmates, i almost didn't recognize some of them!
The not-much-nice thing is that i'm not used to drink strong drinks (usually i drink beer) and now i'm here with a bit of headache because of vodka and jack daniels o_O
Originally posted by Fjelltussa
With that stopping part I meant if you happened to crash,of course :p What if there suddenly came a moose out of the forest on the side of the road??? You wouldn't see it until it had shattered your front window!!! That is the one thing I fear the most about driving........

Then you have to put "the pedal to the metal" so the moose goes over the car instead of crashing thru the front window ;)
Originally posted by Brute
Then you have to put "the pedal to the metal" so the moose goes over the car instead of crashing thru the front window ;)

Poor moose...... :cry:

But today was my first time for driving on a real road!! :D And it was fun!! hehe, although every car that came the same way had to pass me.... But I managed quite well, actually, and even rememebred to blink when I drove off the road again, to let my father take over. ;) Now I'm quite proud!! :D