Talking about autumn?! It arrived a couple of weeks ago,
and now it's getting REALLY cold here! I have found my
favourite scarf and "votter" (what the hell are they called
in English?! lol)
)) I'm looking forward to the wind pushing
me around later on, and seeing the leafs fall to the ground,
dancing and twirling.... Then there will be snow, which
reminds me, I think it's time to get some wintershoes.
I haven't had any in years... >
Today has been one of the cosiest days of my life! We
were eight people going to a cafè after work today, amongst
them were also my best friend. It's so great, cause we all
get along really-really well, and I think my friend has found
a soulmate or something. They both have the same name,
they look at bit the same, have the same humour, same
taste in men, same way of acting, they already know almost
everything about the other person! lol. They have only
talked once before today! Hehehe... This is really cool