The nicest thing that's happened to you lately

YES!!!! After a hell of a week with daily exams I've written my last one today! It will take until mid january that I get the result and get told if I got the admission for the oral exam but I think I made it :D
So it's back to normal work again on monday. Not that I'm too exited about that but still it's better than the past few weeks.
The nicest thing that happened lately to me was that I finally am getting some things cleared up about the bureaucracy of immigration, work permit, residence permit, etc. about moving from german to Norway, and what I am learning prooves my fears wrong, in most ways.
The best thing that EVER happened to me was meeting a certain girl in June this year, and getting to know her.. now we've been together 4 months this Monday, and haven't even had a single fight.. ever. :)
We totally agree on every single subject... .. except maybe caviar (kaviar?).. I like it, she doesn't.. but that's about it. :p
Originally posted by Soulburner
One local band mentioned me in thanks list of their album (it's not out yet, but I've seen the booklet today), which is very nice of them :D

Let me guess --> Seducer's Embrace? >:eek:) That's fucking
sweet! >:eek:))))

As for me, I got the shock of my life today, one of my
dreams actually came through!!!?!! Well, it has not come
through YET, but it will, in December!.....

SCREAM MAGAZINE will use a live review of mine pluss
the picture(s) I took! :eek:)))) Scream is _the_ magazine for
me... I've always wanted to write for them, since the first
time I bought the mag! Fucking brilliant!

Yeah nice to hear that! :) Would you mind telling us which gig you did that review for? Or is it still a secret? (since I won't get to read Scream this will stay a secret for me then.....unless you tell me later ;) )
It's a review of the gig Ashes to Ashes did here in Oslo a
couple of weeks back. Scream were invited but noone
showed up so I decided to send them my review, since
I'd already written one :eek:)

Well.... I'm starting to doubt things now though... Typical
of me to be negative... "Neeeh, they'll probably leave it
out in the end...Or they will change the whole review!" lol

I wonder how to contribute to the mag on a more
permanent basis in the future... I don't really know how
to get that wish to come through, hehe... >:eek:P

A nice thing today: It's Sunday and I am completly
relaxed! :eek:)
Well, like I told you via ICQ - GREAT, Blackspirit! I'm happy for you!

As for me.. I had the greatest time ever with my ex yesterday.
Seems we can never get rid of our feelings for eachother... so
now we'll see what happens... :)

Look what I got!!!
Actually it looks pretty tiny on the pic.. and I'm swollen, and lips
are dry.. but it's cool!
Later I will have one of those pointy things instead :D
