The Official Movie Thread

I was lucky that here in Chicago they gave it another theatrical release at this small art theater call the Music Box. I'm going to see it again tonight, if I can get out of class early enough. DVD is coming out in May, according to netflix.
watch waking life cunts.

Waking life through out some interesting ideas for sure, and I'd definitely like to explore lucid dreaming more, though I find the idea that after we die we just continue on dreaming to be a bit silly, because after all we still use our brain to dream, and when the brain stops the dream stops. Still a fun watch, rotoscoping is awesome.
yeah, that concept/idea that we keep dreaming is over done. Apparently though, when we die our most vivid dreams occur, so it could be in a way. Apparently the body at time of death secrets mass amounts of DMT( dream causer?) and thats what is to blame for near-death experiences ( visions or what have you.

then again, this is just what I read
my dreams are horribly unrealistic, and often I don't remember them. I did have one once where I was in control, and I actually tried the light switch trick in my dream once, but the lights exploded rather than turn off, and I didn't know what to think of it (seemed normal enough in my dream), so I just continued along casually instead of exploring the limits of how much I could control my dream.

I heard one of the ways to help trigger lucid dreaming, is to get a watch that vibrates, and set it to vibrate every 3 hours or so, and every time it does check if you're awake, eventually you'll get so used to doing it, you'll do it in your dreams too.

There are also music files you can play before going to bed that try to wake you up during REM to help you remember dreams better. I've yet to take the time to try either of these, since I have sleep issues as is, but it's definitely something I want to do one day.
Im gonna have to try some of those ideas out, because truth be told that movie got me into it.I really like the idea, and I dont want to take Hallucinogens( any type of drugs rather).
My dreams are "nonexistent."Can't remember a single one in the last five years or so. I plummet into a black void only to resurface from it the next morning. Maybe that's what death is really like, except the morning never comes.
I have lucid dreams from time to time. I've had them all my life. They're fun.

Gonna watch one of the movies on my computer now, either Dogma, or V for Vendetta, or 2001, or Ichi the Killer, or something. I'm not sure yet.
I have some really ill dreams every once in a while.
But now we're off topic.

Watch V for Vendetta. That movie is beast.
Holy shit, that was awesome. Not as great as Straw Dogs, which I watched yesterday, but a damn fine movie.

Glad you liked Straw Dogs. It's such a different kind of movie than V For Vendetta though; it's hard to make a comparison. They're both great.

panzer, I've been told Waking Life is great; now that you've verified, I'll watch it as soon as I get the chance. So many damn movies!