The Official Movie Thread

if you'd watch the ENTIRE film, you would be able to make a more credible judgment of the film and see that the point of the film stresses the importance of man's ability to distinguish right and wrong. The fact that he has the ability is what makes him human. when he is deprived of this, he is turned into a machine.
A Clockwork Orange has a plot too? And the violence in it is not stupid and unnecessary. I'm not a big fan of it myself but you really need to watch the whole movie before you splurt out uninformed comments, because you make yourself look like an idiot. :)
All I'm saying are the first 45 minutes are possibly the most boring 45 minutes of television I have ever experienced...
This comes from a man who watched part of Police Academy the other day because nothing was one.
From the 45 minutes or Police Academy?

Both. Your ability to appreciate good cinema is in need of attention. Try this: when watching a movie, try taking it all in and actually thinking instead of just watching everything moment by moment and scene by scene without analysing anything below the surface. Movies where the plot isn't handed to you on a platter are usually the most rewarding.