The Official Movie Thread

Both. Your ability to appreciate good cinema is in need of attention. Try this: when watching a movie, try taking it all in and actually thinking instead of just watching everything moment by moment and scene by scene without analysing anything below the surface. Movies where the plot isn't handed to you on a platter are usually the most rewarding.

Good films don't need to be analyzed to be appreciated. A good film should be enjoyable from a surface viewing, and have a lot of depth behind it for those of us who look. I always give films a surface watch my first time, if you don't then you take the joy out of watching movies.
Ninjageek with the voice of reason.

Isn't watching movies supposed to be entertainment? First and foremost it's supposed to be interesting, right? If I find something so unbearably boring that I can't watch... why would I bother? I want a movie to make me think AND entertain me.

Oh, and I hate Police Academy, but there was nothing else on and I wasn't paying attention anyways.
heh. don't ever watch a David Lynch film, seedofvengeance

That's great advice actually, since most of them are multifarious clusterfucks of ideas.:p
I know you're a huge fan, though. :)
I don't like the majority of these arty films. Most of them just go right over my head. Ill choose a light comedy or a compelling thriller over cinematographic brain surgery any day.
That's great advice actually, since most of them are multifarious clusterfucks of ideas.:p
I know you're a huge fan, though. :)
I don't like the majority of these arty films. Most of them just go right over my head. Ill choose a light comedy or a compelling thriller over cinematographic brain surgery any day.

check out the Elephant Man, it's not at all like Lynch's clusterfuck movies
I'll see if I can rent it on DVD. I've never watched Eraserhead either, and it's considered to be one of his best films. From descriptions I read it's supposed to be pretty mindfucking though,hopefully in a good way.
I'll see if I can rent it on DVD. I've never watched Eraserhead either, and it's considered to be one of his best films. From descriptions I read it's supposed to be pretty mindfucking though,hopefully in a good way.

yeah. The Elephantman is a really straight forward story that'll leave you as a weepy mess.
It's stupid. They go around in face paint raping and stealing... I watched like 45 minutes and couldn't go on without stabbing myself in the eyes... I chose my eye sight and my sanity over that piece of shit.

Full Metal Jacket and 2001 are nothing alike, are they? I've seen and loved FMJ.

Violence is the point of the film, in a short manner of speaking. Seriously, you need to watch past 45 minutes to get it. And don't get shit-faced. If you don't like gratuitous violence, then you would actually enjoy the latter half of the film, I think. That's kind of the point.

And no, Full Metal Jacket is not very similar to 2001.
I think this is generally a good idea.
Although all I've seen was Dune.
It made me cry.

Dune was terrible. I don't think Lynch even liked it. It's nothing like most of his films

Lost Highway was an awesome flick. I still haven't seen all of Mulholland Drive, but I've heard it's great (the DVD I rented skipped halfway through; pissed me off). Elephant Man was good and Eraserhead was shameless (in a good way; that film made no sense, ;) ). Definitely an awesome director. Lost Highway was probably one of the creepiest films I've ever seen.
Inland Empire

*waits for Alter*

it's not his best, but it's definitely his most esoteric work. For those who've seen Mulholland Drive, they really won't find anything new in Inland Empire except a slicker production and no lesbian sex (which is definitely a minus)