The Official Movie Thread

better than Jan Svankmajer or The Brothers Quay?

Haven't seen The Brothers Quay, but Jan Svankmajer is great. As for which is better, I'd say it's non-comparable. Jan Svankmajer does films entirely in stop motion, which takes a shit load of effort in itself. In 20 million miles to earth, most of the stop-motion is just the monster, and not too much else. Whats great about it, is how amazingly smooth the animation is, and the great job they did of having it interact with it's environment.
Inland Empire

*waits for Alter*

it's not his best, but it's definitely his most esoteric work. For those who've seen Mulholland Drive, they really won't find anything new in Inland Empire except a slicker production and no lesbian sex (which is definitely a minus)

Both films are amazing but both are different.
Both films are amazing but both are different.

The Inland Empire was great :) for Mulholland Dr. I didn't like that one. Perhaps I need to watch it again, but when I saw it years ago I felt that it didn't really come off as a Lynch film, more so as if he tried to parody his own work. Not to mention I couldn't stand the main character! But I understand Lynch really does have a 'trademark' style that you can see in many of his movies.
Haven't seen The Brothers Quay, but Jan Svankmajer is great. As for which is better, I'd say it's non-comparable. Jan Svankmajer does films entirely in stop motion, which takes a shit load of effort in itself. In 20 million miles to earth, most of the stop-motion is just the monster, and not too much else. Whats great about it, is how amazingly smooth the animation is, and the great job they did of having it interact with it's environment.

yeah Jan Svankmajer is just amazing. Everything I've seen by him has impressed me. It's bizarre and funny and just awesome to watch.

I'll have to check out 20 Million Miles to Earth

Brothers Quay are pretty sweet. They're basically the inspiration to Tool's music videos. Check out The Brothers Quay film "Street of Crocodiles". Classic.
I liked 1 and 2 when I was a lot younger, but the rest just made my eyes bleed. I did really enjoy the books, but the movies are pathetic unless you're a 10 year old...
You know what´s the creepiest scene in "Psycho"? Not the fucking shower scene but the ending scene with Bates in the cell thinking with his mothers voice. The very last seconds you see his face when he´s smiling into the camera,man he looks evil.
Yeah Sweeney Todd is a great movie. The acting is fantastic, and they really gave the atmosphere of Victorian England with the set, costumes etc.