The Official Movie Thread

I'm a big fan of Tarrantino so of course, I see him as paying homage to these old movies. He admits to his influences and I've watched a few of them. There is not one movie by him that I don't enjoy on some level.

Yeah so far it all seems like homage to me. Like the Mr. (Color) thing was taken from The Taking of Pelham One Two Three, but he put his own spin on it by throwing in Mr. Pink. Also it's not like choosing to call the characters colors is a huge chunk of the film, it's just a wave at an old great.

So far I've liked all his films so far. Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction are great, Kill Bill may be over the top, but I grew up watching those cheesy old martial arts movies, and it was done in exactly that spirit which was great. For Death Proof, the girl dialog didn't annoy me too much and the killings in the middle and car chase at the end was insanely kickass. Still have to see Jackie Brown, but if it's anything like the blaxploitation films I've been watching it'll be great.
WAtched Pulp Fiction finally, and Magnolia.Great movies.Nothing much to say about them, except that they are wonderfully made.

also watched cheech and chong's up in smoke and Anchorman again:cool:

further more, good comedies...give me some for fuck sakes. I cant find any good ones these days tbh.
We had "Zombie Movie Night #2" last night in the lounge, but I had commitments so I could only watch one movie, which was called Versus. A rather tedious film, but the Kung-Fu/Samurai vs. Zombie concept was pretty cool.

We also watched the beginning and end of the movie Dead or Alive. That bazooka scene is genius.
Anyone else seen The Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie ?

fucking hilarious

I strongly recomend it.
I guess im a big horror guy, but there hasn't been a quality B-movie(style I guess) in the mainstream in awhile afaik and it was really good.
Comparing completely unrelated movies like Planet Terror and No Country is stupid because they both had completely different aims in what type of film they were supposed to be. If you're gonna rank certain films better than others pick 2 related films.

Also just saw Little Otik and Jan Svankmajer continues to amaze me with his great films.
Comparing completely unrelated movies like Planet Terror and No Country is stupid because they both had completely different aims in what type of film they were supposed to be. If you're gonna rank certain films better than others pick 2 related films.

Also just saw Little Otik and Jan Svankmajer continues to amaze me with his great films.

im only comparing it for the oscar it won, it's not necessarily fair to judge any of the movies in comparison but they do.
I need to watch No Country For Old Men again. I was fading in and out of sleep, but it was awesome.

Grindhouse: planet terror and deathproof are excellent. Planet Terror is one of the best i've seen for horror movies since Dead Alive.
Finally watched There Will Be Blood, and was suprised to find out Daniel Day Lewis won best actor for this film. Not suprised in a bad way, I totally think he deserved it. This movie is nearly three hours, but so interesting that you don't even realize the time. Lewis was very creepie in this film, even before you find out what an evil mf he is.
Started to watch Planet Terror last night, and never thought this film was worth a watch, but I was wrong. I definatly have to watch this entire film as soon as I can catch it again. The fake movie trailer to Machette at the beginning of the film made me laugh.
I finally watched that Sweeney Todd movie. I actually really enjoyed it. :)
I found it quite boring... was actually falling asleep which i never do when i go to the theater no matter how bad a movie is... anyways I think the reason I found it boring was because it was a musical... if it was a regular movie without the singing I would of been awake... I did like the Victorian settings though and even though I dislike singing being in this movie Johnny Depp did a good job nonetheless...

Mmm, just curious, whats everyone here's opinion on Quentin Tarantino? I like all his stuff so far, but I've heard that he takes all his good ideas from old movies. I've been checking out the movies he supposedly stole from, and while their influence on him is obvious, it really doesn't seem like anything more than paying homage to the greats of the past. So far nothing terribly huge has been taken from the old films, but I still got more to see.
I believed he contributed to Sin City and if so I liked that from Tarantino... one of my favorite violent movies of all time... Also I thought his cameo in Desperado was funny... "It's cool Ese, it's cool"... lol
I believed he contributed to Sin City and if so I liked that from Tarantino... one of my favorite violent movies of all time... Also I thought his cameo in Desperado was funny... "It's cool Ese, it's cool"... lol

Only thing he did in Sin City was direct the scene where Dwight was talking to Jackie Boy, to pay Robert Rodriguez back for writing music for one of his films.
I watched The Acid House last night. I've seen it once before quite a few years back, but didn't have the slighest idea what it was called until recently, when I realized that this was the movie, and so I watched it and enjoyed it.