The Official Movie Thread

Indeed it was... I was surprised that Tom Cruise actually varied his normally linear role in that film... not much, but enough to make it an excellent movie. Jamie Fox was excellent as well.

I'm going to try to finish watching American gangster tonight. I've tried the last 2 nights, but I keep falling asleep. What I've seen was really good, though.

edit: ninja'd
Just watched Mad Max and Constantine.
Both were worse than I expected.

Although I liked Mad Max a lot, many people prefer The Road Warrior, so you should try your luck with that.

I actually enjoyed Constantine for what it was, but not enough to bother trying to defend it.
meh, I tend to look at movies for what they did well, not what their problems were.

Anyways, I've been on a bit of a Spaghetti Western binge recently, and I have to say these movies are badass as hell.
Keanu has to be the worst actor with the most money.

PPV'd 10,000BC & Pathfinder.
Not the good historic epics that I was hoping for...actually fell asleep during both movies, and I wasn't even tired.

Help! I really need a good epic action movie???
the proposition is fucking shit and possibly the most overrated film of the decade, at least among normally tasteful audiences

this worries me because hillcoat's now adapting cormac mccarthy's 'the road' and if that adaptation isn't fucking brilliant i will personally hunt him down and shoot him in the face
what's so shit about it? Irish family of outlaws in the Australian outback...plenty of the ol' ultraviolence...(a crazy) John Hurt

on a side note, Ridley Scott is also supposed to be doing Blood Meridian. It better have a goddamn NC-17 rating.
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The Proposition was awesome.
I'd amend that to "quite good."

the proposition is fucking shit and possibly the most overrated film of the decade, at least among normally tasteful audiences

this worries me because hillcoat's now adapting cormac mccarthy's 'the road' and if that adaptation isn't fucking brilliant i will personally hunt him down and shoot him in the face
Can you stop being such a dick?
Has anyone seen Little Miss Sunshine? Before you laugh at me or the title, keep in mind this is worth checking out...don't be fooled by the title.

Yes, the movie is based around a young goofy, yet sweet girl and her dysfunctional family entering and trying to get her to a pageant.

I found this movie to be very powerful, dramatic, serious, and very funny throughout. It is focused mainly on the serious dysfunctional family and its characters. To me the little girl and the pageant is secondary. The scene with Alan Arkin, playing the obnoxious grizzled grandpa, talking with his grandson about girls and sex, has to be one of the alltime great and funny scenes ever.

This movie has one of the great ending moments you'll ever see. Highlited by the performances of Alan Arkin (grandpa), Steve Carrell (loony uncle), and Greg Kinear (compulsive dad).
I thought one of the alternate endings for Little Miss Sunshine would've been better than the one they went with, but whatever...good movie