The Official Movie Thread

The Empire Strikes Back for me :)

Didn't like any of Episodes 1 - 3.

Hayden Christensen drove me insane. Cannot stand his poor acting skills!

Episode 1 was a complete crock when I first seen it. Darth Maul looked all badass with his makeup... and he was so easy to kill.


He was not easy to kill! He killed Qui-Gon, who was a great jedi master... then he almost killed Obi-Wan before he got cocky.

I like all of the movies (with Empire obviously being the best one) except number 2 (it was just boring, and pretty much pointless.). I don't get why everyone hates the prequels so much... It's easy for me to get over Hayden's dispicable acting to enjoy a movie as good as Episode 3.
He was not easy to kill! He killed Qui-Gon, who was a great jedi master... then he almost killed Obi-Wan before he got cocky.

The stomach attack that killed him was rather pathetic. He could have quite easily blocked that. They should have kept Darth Maul in the other movies instead of killing him in my opinion, because Dooku did absolutely nothing for me character-wise.

*Nerd moment over* ;)

aaaaaaaaand, to get back on track... does anyone have any good movies about sociopaths or serial killers they can recommend? I realize that that's probably a really creepy question, but I just think they're interesting, I swear.
It was a combination of that, Jar Jar Binks, shitty story, horrible diologue, and a queer looking Yoda that ruined it for me.

I think Jar Jar Binks was created purely for the children's entertainment to be honest with you.

I agree with what you say about Yoda looking queer. He didn't have the same cute-ness about him from episodes 4-6. But to be fair, there was a bit of a time gap from making those ones to episodes 1-3 so technology is different now.
aaaaaaaaand, to get back on track... does anyone have any good movies about sociopaths or serial killers they can recommend? I realize that that's probably a really creepy question, but I just think they're interesting, I swear.

Heh, not too creepy of a question, especially on a metal message board. Anyways are you looking for stuff that gets you into the minds of the serial killer like Silence of the Lambs or more horror-type stuff like Texas Chainsaw Massacre?
I saw Hancock last night. It had a really good concept and the first 15 minutes or so was cool, but it seemed like it was written and filmed by a bunch of 14 year old boys. They completely failed to make you care about the characters and if Jason Bateman hadn't been it there would've been no laughs. It's unfortunate because I think this movie had a premise that could've been really good.

There was also some bitch behind me yammering throughout the whole movie. I think her boyfriend must've been retarded or something because she was basically narrating the movie to him. Why do people talk in movie theaters? WHY?! It's something everyone knows they shouldn't do but people always do it anyway. I hate it.
I haven't seen Hancock yet, but didn't The Incredibles follow the whole public shunning of super heroes due to property damage type thing?
The stomach attack that killed him was rather pathetic. He could have quite easily blocked that. They should have kept Darth Maul in the other movies instead of killing him in my opinion, because Dooku did absolutely nothing for me character-wise.

*Nerd moment over* ;)

The story behind the story on Episode 1-3 is alot deeper than it seems. Watch them again, and pay attention how much Sam Jacksosn's character of Mace Windew douts Anakin, he is almost out to destroy him. Empire is epic, still my favorite and imo Episode III is right there w/ it.
Heh, not too creepy of a question, especially on a metal message board. Anyways are you looking for stuff that gets you into the minds of the serial killer like Silence of the Lambs or more horror-type stuff like Texas Chainsaw Massacre?

hmm, more stuff that gets into the mind of the killer, I think. I like more psychological thrillers than just gore/horror type movies. I have a really high tolerance for gore, but not much interest in it.

I actually haven't seen Silence of the Lambs yet, I'm putting that on my list right now :)
The story behind the story on Episode 1-3 is alot deeper than it seems. Watch them again, and pay attention how much Sam Jacksosn's character of Mace Windew douts Anakin, he is almost out to destroy him. Empire is epic, still my favorite and imo Episode III is right there w/ it.

I know the story is a lot deeper than that, but Darth Maul was one of the things that really stood out for me that's all.

hmm, more stuff that gets into the mind of the killer, I think. I like more psychological thrillers than just gore/horror type movies. I have a really high tolerance for gore, but not much interest in it.

I actually haven't seen Silence of the Lambs yet, I'm putting that on my list right now :)

Silence of the Lambs is a brilliant movie. Anthony Hopkins is a fantastic actor though. Have you seen Fracture?