The Official Movie Thread

Semi-Pro suckeddddddd.

Still unimpressed with most of his work except for Stranger then Fiction and Old School.
Semi-Pro suckeddddddd.

Still unimpressed with most of his work except for Stranger then Fiction and Old School.

I usually get a pretty good laugh at his movies, but I always feel depressed and like I wasted my time afterwards. I find the jokes funny usually, but there's something about the movies that annoy me.
I usually get a pretty good laugh at his movies, but I always feel depressed and like I wasted my time afterwards. I find the jokes funny usually, but there's something about the movies that annoy me.

How much of your time do you spend watching movies?
Which begs the question why does a film student watch so many slasher flicks?

Well the school I go to is more open minded, and teaches that there are many reasons for making a film, to make a statement about society(art films), to make lots of money(hollywood), or to entertain(B films, exploitation), etc. Furthermore good film making is not limited just to art films, and it would be silly to only watch films considered to be "high art" and you'd have a very narrow minded view of the film industry as a whole. I watch a great many films of various genres and types, some are thought provoking and some are just fun, some well made, some just out to make a quick buck. You can also learn just as much from a bad film as a good one.

My history of cinemas professor actually thinks the school should start teaching porn too as a legitimate form of film. So far they're not that open minded yet, but they do have a bunch of Rus Meyer films in the library.
boondock saints
donnie darko
a clockwork orange
no country for old men
there will be blood
hot fuzz
silence of the lambs
good will hunting
requiem for a dream

are basically the best movies of all time, but the number 1 movie of all time is

its a fucking masterpiece, if you havent seen it you need to.
...basically the best movies of all time

'no country...' yes, 'a clockwork orange' i wouldn't really argue with, otherwise no chance in hell. a lot of those are good movies, among the best mainstream movies of the '90s/'00s, but there's just no way they're among the very best

Watched Inland Empire again today. It is amazing. So amazing.

indeed. i like mulholland drive even more though